-Chapter 12-

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A week passed since the accident on the Edinburgh castle. Ciel continued his school like nothing happened and tried to catch up with his homework. If he really wanted to succeed, he had to work hard. And that's what he did.

He didn't even go out for a walk. His daily routine contains him eating only lunch, school and endless school work. Even if he didn't have homework, the teen occupied his brain by reading tons of different books.

To his sessions with Sebastian, he made sure to clarify that he won't accept any "distraction" from his part. In the end, he cached up the lessons in a matter of two days, which resulted to Sebastian's help being no longer necessary. In Ciel's mind, the less time he had to spend with the demon, the better.

Especially after the dreams he has. Every night, he wakes up sweating and with a large difficulty to breathe. It was like the poor teen was just running a marathon. At first, he couldn't remember what he dreamed of, but soon he started to remember minor things.

And Ciel couldn't be more perplexed.

He can remember a house – or maybe a manor – getting on fire. Then, a child's agonized scream of pure pain. Lots of familiar voices, though only one was recognizable enough; a voice he's well acquainted with. And that voice belongs to Sebastian Michaelis.

This night, was the same thing. Around three in the morning, Ciel woke up screaming. He was sweating, feeling the sticking of the nightclothes to the very core of his skin. His lungs were also burning from the force he applied onto them, making him grab the glass of water from the nightstand and drink the refreshing liquid in a matter of seconds.

After the pained boy calmed down a little bit, he took a deep breath. His eyes travelled to the space, trying to understand what he just saw.

He saw himself in a room, with a woman glad in red. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember that woman's face but her voice was relaxing, loving even. The next second, he found this woman screaming hurtful words toward his person, holding an object which looked like a...gun? Knife? Ciel wasn't sure.

Before he couldn't even realize what was happening, the scene changed. Now the pre-teen was inside a tent, speaking with a...male? Female? He couldn't define the figurine. For hell's sake, he wasn't even able to make out the voice very well. But from the looks of it, that person was probably a friend. Soon, the scene changed again, and saw the same person screaming from emotional pain, while they were running toward him. The word that woke him up though, was what escaped his own lips. "Sebastian..."

"What...are these?" Ciel questioned himself, moving the palms of his hands to cover his face. 'Maybe some kind of memories? That's preposterous! I don't even believe in reincarnations and nonsense like this! Even if that's the case, they're so bloody blurry!'

"Damn you Sebastian..." suddenly he whispers, eyes looking tiredly at the smartphone next to the now empty glass. He moved his hand slowly, taking the expensive device and opening it. In his contacts, he found Sebastian's number, remembering the first day of school in which he got his number. He knew the demon was the only one who could answer his questions, but some important facts and matters were holding him back from pressing the "call" icon.

'How can I be so sure that he's not lying? Or the fact that these...memories, aren't a trick for him to manipulate me? Demons are not to be trusted. And yet, I'm the one who constantly tries to be away, yet shamelessly close to him...It feels like he is a powerful magnet and I'm only a small screw. Being drawn to him endlessly, paranormally.

'Aside of that, the bastard had the nerve to kiss me! How dare he?!' In the last thought, Ciel's cheeks fired up instantly, ashamed of himself mostly. 'And as a colossal idiot returned it...What the hell is wrong with me?' The image of that moment was playing on Ciel's mind again, making him to fall back to the bed, with his head resting on the pillow. 'If I want to be honest though, yeah I liked it. I wish that wasn't true, but I'm not going to lie to myself like a ten-year-old does in the make-believe game.' His right hand was still holding the phone, and brought it near to his face, glancing at Sebastian's name one more time.

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