Platform 2¾

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i'M Reaaaly pissed that Wattpad changed this fic into R I mean ffs seriously? THERE'S NOTHING BAAAAAAAAAAAD IN MY  FIC GAAAAHHHH!!!

Enjoy the chapter and it's different than normal [duuuh]. DON'T forget to subcribe to me, comment beloooooooooow and hit that star button.




She said, “Hey, It’s alright, does it make you feel alive?” ~ One Direction


Dr Hitsugaya clips her Bic ,free pen on her green pad and asks his third patient of the day. “What makes you feel alive?”

The curly haired, green-eyed boy shifts in his seat, his eyes darting to the window, wondering what makes him alive. Sure drugs, booze and the likes yes but going further, it’s singing in front of a crowd, having sex with random gay British socialites, … but that’s not it. It’s a certain brown, lesbian-haired boy that gives him the high no drug in the world can compare.

Yes, he makes him feel alive.

After Harry came to terms with his sexuality, he was scared  to death about learning this… this block in his life that he had no idea how to control, let alone grasp its meaning. Do you know what it’s like being gay in a world where opposite sexes are the “one and only”? In a universe where homosexuality is frowned upon? A galaxy where homosexuals are killed for being themselves?

Do you know what it’s like?

No you do not because you’re not like Harry. You are not him.  Harry lives in this world, a different world than yours and mine. He truly knows the definition of ‘being different’.

But he had to put it under control as his mother [“the killer”, Harry mutters under his breath] always said that pink boys [gays, that is] will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And who does not want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? And that is why therapy started dear friends; Harry wanted to fix his sexuality. He wanted to get rid of his unacceptable sexual orientation in society, no matter what the cost, he would rid of his gay to feel normalcy again.

Whatever that felt like.

“Drugs,” he finally responds but they both know it’s a lie. It’s not drugs, it’s him.

“That’s all?”

“You know my lifestyle, why are you asking?”

“I don’t read tabloids. Tell me Harry,” insists the doctor.

Harry groans, thinking about what makes him alive, what makes him tick. He knows that she is waiting for him to say, “Louis makes me alive” but he is not going to say that. He thinks of other things. “Looking for new ways to torture myself. “

“Ah,” Dr Histugaya’s interest perks as so do her nipples. Don’t judge her, Harry is a very attractive, young lad.

“Yesterday I tried burning my fingers over the cooker. I got bored after a while so I smoked some kush and avoided Louis the whole night.”

“Why are you avoiding Louis?”

“Because he reminds me of my sinful nature,” Harry reminds her.

“Are you still uncomfortable with your sexuality?”

“Do you know what it’s like being a closeted gay?”

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