[Chapter XIV] + [You COULD've Saved Me]

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And where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Had I known how to save a life ~ The Fray


Previously on Hanger in a Closet:

King: Pour the hydrogen peroxide into his mouth and punch him until he regains conscious.

“Punch him?” Louis asks.

Yes but make sure you drown him in the hydrogen thing.

“Okay, how much?” Niall asks. “We don’t want an overdose again.”

The entire thing!

“You’re going to kill him!” Louis gushes, his voice high. Zayn hushes him, listening to King on the other end.

I know how much is left because he did this before.


“Okay, all done then we punch him?” Niall says cutting Louis off.

Yeah, but not WWE punching but hard enough.

“I’m not punching him,” Louis shakes his head looking at the other two lads.

“Fine I’ll do it,” Niall says.

“Be careful,” Zayn says and Niall thrusts three punches to Harry’s stomach, knocking him to life.

Did it work?

“Yeah, thanks King,” Zayn says

And Louis?


If Harry had died, I would personally have skinned you alive for 45 days without food or drink and then I would stab your eye balls and feed your intestines to my sharks.

“You have sharks?” Niall asks, Louis’ mouth hanging seven feet below his face.

Yeah I do.

And now:

 “Why am I here officers?” Harry asks, composed after his episode at home.

The police arrested Harry this morning for being one of the suspects for the murder of his best friend, Edward Sheeran. The other four lads drove in Niall’s white range rover, following the police car heading to the station. The paparazzi had got wind of the police parked outside Louis and Harry’s apartment which meant that Harry’s arrest had gone viral, conveniently after the announcement of Ed’s death and King’s wild party of the year.

It was only a matter of time before people put two and two together.

Louis holds onto Harry’s hand beneath the table, calming Harry’s nerves and electrifying them at the same time, a little blush creeping across his cheeks.

“You’re one of the suspects for the murder of Edward Sheeran along with your friends, Kingston Ealey, Nicholas Grimshaw and Conor Maynard,” Detective #1 says.

Harry remains silent.

“What happened at Kingston’s party?”

“It was his party of the year,” Harry says, ignoring the massive migraine.

“We believe that hardcore drugs were involved that have been banned for years,” Detective #1 says. “Edward’s autopsy reads that he had consumed large quantities of these drugs which mixed with a concoction of alcohol killed him eventually.”

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