[Chapter xvi] + [Modest Modest!?]

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And you'll find loss and you'll fear what you found. When weather comes, tearing down ~ Ben Howard


Previously on Hanger in a Closet :

@Harry_Styles: Can I ask you something?

@StylesMyFace: Sure, anything

He hesitates before typing, knowing that the other three people were starting at the screen waiting to see the question. To be honest, it’s times like these that you break down your walls, the rebel façade comes off and the acting stops. You become vulnerable to the people around you because you have nothing to hold onto, you have nothing left.

And right now, Harry had nothing.

@Harry_Styles: Do people hate me?

@StylesMyFace: They didn’t, they don’t and they never will. We love you Harry! Please ignore the hate!!!

And now he had something to hold onto. He had a family, even though he didn’t know them, he had a family spread across the world. It didn’t matter whether he knew them, whether he would ever meet them – if he would meet them – but all that matters is that they had his back. He realized this now. He constantly looked at the hate, the loathe comments that was the reason for building his walls to block the world, it was because of this hate. He was told to build a thick skin.

And a thick one he built.

And now:

Jill sighed heavily for the third time since 9:00AM. “Why Harry? Why are you always in the news and media for your ruthless behavior?”

“You think Mr X is my fault?”

“Clearly,” Jill rolled her eyes.

“Okay, let’s all calm down and stop pointing fingers at Harry but let’s talk about the upcoming tour, Where We Are,” Simon said, calming the tension in the room.

Mark shifted his papers on the desk. “Yes the tour. The tour as you all know will start on November 11th in Barranquilla, Colombia for 2 days and then head off to Brazil for a week starting with Rio de Janeiro.”

“Are these all the countries we’re to for all the tour?” Liam wondered looking at the countries listed on the paper that was passed around.

“Yes, exciting isn’t it?”

“Yeah it is,” Niall smiled. “Personally, I hear Brazil has hot girls all over.”

“And Colombia has drugs, some for Harry, eh?” Zayn chuckled.

“Of course we can’t go on a tour when the album isn’t even done,” Jill said glaring at Harry beyond her glasses. “Harry Styles, we need your songs by Friday when the album is officially being released.”

“Actually, it should be by Thursday or else you’re out of the band,” Simon said.

Harry sighed. “Haven’t we done this before?”

“You can’t do that,” Louis said.

“Finally,” Liam said as loud as he could to make sure Harry heard. Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the list of European countries they’d be touring.

“You can’t do this now, it’s a tough time for Harry,” Niall said, his eyebrows up. Harry cocked his head to him, asking what he was doing but Niall nodded, reassuring him. “As a friend and a band mate, Simon please don’t let Harry leave the band. He, as the rest of us, have had a few tough couple of months, what with the media constantly on our backs about the album, Australia, Africa and Asia asking for tour dates, the media following Harry’s every single move, Larry and Elounor have gone worse with their battles-”

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