Do Or Die PT.2

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Alex's POV

I was waiting for Lloyd,Jay,and Cole to come home and while I was doing that...
I found a bracelet at Cole's room.

It says, "Jay's BFF".

I smiled because I'm glad they made up and it's kinda cute. I remember Jay wearing one too but it says, "Cole's BFF".

I heard the front door open and it made me excited that I ran down the stairs and put up a smile. I looked to see who it is but it was only Jay but he looks sad...and tired...

"Jay? Are you alright?" I asked as I was holding Cole's friendship bracelet. "Wh-where's Cole?" I asked again. When Jay heard Cole's name,he started to cry then I realized what it means...!

I was so shocked and sad that I dropped the bracelet.

It felt as if the bracelet fall on my heart hardly. I couldn't breathe...

Everything in the room spun that I fell to my knees and started to sob.

Why Cole! Why!? Why!!

"WHY!!!!!!!!" I yelled so loud that dark clouds appear in the sky and strong lightning and a loud thunder can be heard and seen.

I sobbed uncontrollably that Jay kneel beside me and cried too.

After few minutes, I was trying to calm down and Jay stood up and looked at me,emotionless but there was sadness and anger in his eyes. "We...gotta tell the others about Lloyd's evil double." Jay said as he looked at the bracelet and picked it up and wore it on his wrist. "Before he hurts someone else." Jay continued. I nodded and he helped me up.



'Lloyd' and his pet were sitting on the floor in an alley,in the shadows. He almost looked and guilty and sad but someone tapped his shoulder which was his pet. His pet then formed into a chibi version of Lloyd. 'Lloyd's face was like: =| as if he was confused then he smiled a little.

"You shouldn't waste your powers just to keep me entertained, my pet..." 'Lloyd' said. "We will need that to easily steal the lilac of fear." He said as he smirked.

'Lloyd' can understand his pet's speaking even though it's just silent. "Huh? You have more power to steal it?" 'Lloyd' said as his eyes widen. "Way to go!" 'Lloyd' cheered.

"Lets begin,shall we?" 'Lloyd' said as he giggled,creepily.

Sorry it's too short!
I needed to go to bed because I have theater lessons tomorrow so bye!
I promise the next one is gonna be a long chapter :)

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