Secret Friendship PREVIEW CHAPTER

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"The truth is...."

"I didn't want to do this.."

"But...atleast..he was there when I had problems.."

We saw each other the dreamworld..for some reason..

I was alone there for months or a year..

But atleast I was able to wake up..

After what I did..they lock me up and tortured me...experimented on me..

But finally,they told me if I take over Ninjago and bring them suffering will end.

They're not the friends I once had or known.

When I told him in the dreamworld..I saw that he felt betrayed..

I didn't have the time to explain because I told him that they ordered me to kill him or..

And he dissappeared.

And now I was sent back here and now here I am..

I'm sorry good me...I wish you understood..I'll talk to you later on.

I hope we could hang out like we used the dreamworld after this chaos.

I just don't want HIM make me suffer again...I'm sorry.

Everything was black and white at that time.

We even have the necklaces that your Kai gave you and the one HE gave me..

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