good vibes

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It's been two weeks since I've met Jorge,and I have to admit that I have a crush on him.
His smile was just killing me.We spent a lot of time together.I told Mechi about him and she was really about to cry because she was so happy that I've a crush on someone.I've been feeling brilliant even if I was in Mrs. Haywards class.
Mercedes and Ruggero Are by the way dating now officially since two weeks,and I feel so happy that Mechi found the true love.Ruggero got like a brother to me that I never had,and protects me,where he can.I hang out really often with Ruggero and Mechi since they are my only friends.I could tell Jorge is also my friend but it's something different.He was hanging out with other kind of people, I think we wouldn't fit all four.
It's just a group of three.Me,Mechi and Ruggero.
He's fine with being the only boy,because he's with the girl he loves,and that's all he wants.
I was about to go to my locker,but suddenly Jorge talked to me.
»Hey.« he said smiling.
»What's up?« I said smiling.
»I wanted to ask you..« he said nervously.
»Ask me...« I asked.
»Do you wanna go on a date with me?« he finally said.I smiled at him.
»I'd love to.« I said and he happy walked down the halls.I smiled and finally went to my locker.
With a big smile I went to our apartment looking at Mechi excited.
She was looking confused.
»JORGE ASKED ME ON A DATE.« I said and we both jumped all the way up being so exited.
»Omg, congrats.« she said
It was getting darker outside and I was ready for the date,when someone knocked on the door.When I opened I saw Jorge smiling,and automatically I smiled too.
»You look stunning.« he said and I totally blushed.
We both went to the car, I was so nervous for that date.
oh dear Jorge, I wish I didn't go to that date with you.

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