make me cry

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It was a new morning and the sun was shining.It was a bright day and I ate my breakfast. I put all my stuff in my car and drove to my hospital.Yes I build a hospital five years and I own it.I'm the boss and also doctor there.My colleges are really nice and it's always good there.
I smiled at everyone and went to my first patient.He was sitting on the chair in the room and I came in.
»Good Morning, Mr. Spring.«
»Good Morning, Mrs Stoessel.« he said and I smiled.So I was going through the files,and saw he just needed an check up.
»So just a check up?« I asked and he nodded.
I smiled and started to check his body.I took a blood test from him to make sure there's no dangerous substance in his blood.
»Have a nice day.« he said when we finished his appointment.
»For you too.« I said and he left.
When the day was over I went to my car and drove home.Then I got a call.
»Stoessel?« i said.
»It's an emergency,Mrs Stoessel, in *** Street,a motorcycle crushed into a bus and the guy on the motorcycle guy is really hurted and bleeding.He got unconscious.« the emergency call said.
»Ok,I'm there as fast as I can.« I said and ran to my car.I drove to the street and saw police everywhere.There were some colleges that helped him but when they saw me they all got away and I saw the bleeding guy on the ground.It was him.It was the guy I didn't see in six years.Is that a miracle.I stared at him but I though this is my job.To safe people so they gave me my equipment and stuff to save him.We went to the ambulance car together with him and drove to the hospital.I was worried,not because I love him,he can die.
»Please drive faster.« I said and then we arrived at the hospital.I brought him into the emergency room and operate him.
»Stay please,i know you are strong.« I whispered even tho I hate him.
I was sitting out of the room when he nurse called my name.
»Mrs Stoessel he woke up.« the nurse said and I went fast into the room.And he was.He woke up.
»Hey.« he said.
»It's been a while.« I said.
»Thanks for saving my life.« he said.
»That's my job.« I said and I was going to leave the room,when I heard him saying 'stay'
»Why?« I asked.
»I'm so sorry,what I did to you.« he said.
I didn't answer.What should I say?
»You should rest.« I said.
»You still look beautiful,and even got more.« he said.
»How can you say I'm beautiful when you said I'm ugly?Jorge, you should rest,it's for your health.You are just my patient.I don't care and I don't love you.You are my biggest blunder,and ruined my last day in university.« I said and left the room.
I locked myself in a room.You just make me cry.Damn.I hate you.

blunder - jortiniWhere stories live. Discover now