time flies

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Days.Weeks.Months have past by without seeing the man who broke my heart,who ripped it into tiny pieces.There was not a single day where I did not think about him, his smile, his eyes and everything else we've gone through.
Today I'll go to an event from my friend who has a pretty successful brand and she is opening a new store.
I put on the best dress in my wardrobe, put my heels on and took my bag and I was ready to go.
Just when I arrived there I saw my friends on the red carpet with paparazzi's taking pictures of her.
»Leila!« i screamed smiling and hugged her
»Tini, you came!« she said smiling
»Of course how can I miss this?!«
Before she could even answer,someone tapped on her shoulder and asked her to leave me and that person alone.
»Let me explain«
»There's nothing to explain,I'll hope you'll be happy.«
»But I only want you.«
»It's okay Jorge, I have a fiancé.«
»You Do?«
»Yes his name is Pepe.I think it's time that we all move on.We had our wonderful time as a couple but that's the past.«

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