let me go

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It was a fresh morning,where I had to go back to work. I had swollen eyes and my lips where almost white. I looked terrible.I tried to cover it all up with my foundation which kind of worked.
I decided to wear something basic since I am a doctor. I put on a pullover in black with black jeans and my sneakers from adidas.
I didn't look healthy. The last few days I was only at home,thinking and crying.
Jorge didn't come back again,I guess he just forgot about everything again.
But I mean why should he come back?
He has friends,money and family.
What's needed more?
But he makes me so angry. What makes him so attractive no wait I can't say that since I am the one who fell for him.After minutes of thinking I decided to go into my car and start driving.When I arrived in the hospital the people were greeting me and so did I.I slammed my bag on the couch of my office and then went to my mac and started working when I got a call with a number I didn't know-yet.
„Hello,Martina Stoessel?"
„Hey,it's Jorge."
„I told you, I-"
„No I won't let you go this time I won't give up.I need you and I will do anything to get you back.I love you and I will fight for you, whatever it takes."
„I love you."
„I need time, Jorge.Please."
„I understand."
„Can we still meet today?"
„Ok eight o clock my apartment.I'll send you the address." He is said in a happy tone.

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