its not okay

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It was morning and I was opening my eyes.We were in the forest and I was still naked and his p*nis was still into me.I slowly went out as he woke up.
»Good Morning.« we both said to each other.
»Look Jorge, I was drunk a lil last night.It wasn't right to fuck you.You have a fiancé and soon she'll be your wife,you have sex with her,get some children and be happy.I should move on and you should support your fiancé.
I'm also interested in a boy.« I said.
»Who is that boy? « he said looking really annoyed and angry.
»Someone, I already had sex with.« I said .
»Grow up! I never wanna see you again.« I said and put on my clothes.
»But my fiancé knows I fuck other people.She doesn't care we just  marry because of her dad and my dad.« he said.
»She's lucky.« i said.
I went back to my penthouse.
I slept with him.
I did.
With the man who broke me.
But it felt so good.
So satisfying.
It was Sunday and I was so bored.
I turned on the tv but there was just bullshit so I layed on the couch,thinking about his touches and when he pressed his lips on mine.
Then it knocked on the door.
»Martina please Open the door!« Jorge yelled from outside.
»Why should I?« i asked.
»Please just do it.« he said and I opened the door seeing him sweating .
»Why are you sweating?« I asked.
»Because I was running to ur penthouse.« he explained.
»It's the best if you go your own way.What we did last night was insane.« I said.
»But you are mine.I love you and I don't want anyone else to kiss,fuck or even touch you.« he said as I looked up to him.
»Take a shower.« I said and he nodded.
After twenty minutes he came out of the shower just with a towel around his waist.When I saw his six pack I tried to not stare at it.
»If you want you can sleep here tonight in my bed.« I said.
»And where are you gonna sleep?« he asked and I pointed on the couch.
»We can both sleep in ur bed,I mean we are friends now.« he said and I nodded.
When we both went to my bedroom,he saw the picture from us that I got from Mechi and smiled.
I smiled back and went into the bed.
He did too and so we layed there.
I realized how he put his arm while sleeping around my waist and pressing his body hardly against mine.
I wanna feel you.

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