that picture

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*back to reality*
So As I realized the car in front of me moved,the traffic was over and I drove home.As I opened the door of my penthouse, it was pure silence and dark.It was designed luxury but still there was just me.
This is my life.No parents,two friends and my hospital,that I own.
I was sitting on the couch and holding that picture of the memory book from me and Jorge in my hands and stared at it.It was so weird to stare at it after six years.
I just stared at it.Thinking.What was he doing now? Was he alive? Where is he now?
I don't know.And for me it shouldn't matter because I don't love him anymore.Like seriously,I moved on.
I was just staring at that picture.It had something.I didn't know what but it was special.But I guess for Jorge I was just one girls of thousands.
I put that picture away and thought about myself.
I didn't have a boyfriend after Jorge.
Except for Ruggero and Mechi I didn't trust anyone.
I hated him still.All he ever does is make me cry.So basically I just had one boyfriend in my whole damn life.
I was really sleepy so I fell asleep on the couch.
In pure silence,thinking about Jorge Blanco.
I never needed you like I do right now.

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