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Elianna: I am an Adventist girl, just trying to help a guy that I like and find my way in the world. I am 15 and have lots of goals and plans and everyone says that this guy could be trouble but I know that he won’t hurt me.  My super close friend-like-brother, Joseph, seems to disagree but I think that he is too overprotective. I know that he loves me, but I need freedom…

Marie: I am 14 and an Adventist girl. I am best friends with Ellie and honestly, pretty average. However, I have a huge crush on Joseph that could become a problem. I don’t know why though. If I love him and he loves me, why should our age get in the way?

Joseph: I am 24 and trying to finish school. I haven’t had a girlfriend in years because I am so busy but often I am lonely and there is something about Marie that draws me. Maybe because I have been alone for so long or that we go to the Austine church but if nothing else I want to protect her. Her and my sort-of-little sister, Elle. Her man lives with my family right now but he is trouble.

Austin: I didn’t grow up in the church and I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but I want to be better. I know that i could be a good boyfriend and protector for Elle if Joseph would just give me a chance. I am going to turn my life around and prove myself if it kills me. And maybe I’ll even give the church thing a shot.

Mrs. Dorothea: I have lived a good long life and am nearly 70. I grew up in the church but my life wasn’t easy. I have lived through love and loss ever since my brother passed away when I was 12. Things still aren’t easy but without hardships we can’t live and grow into the people that we are to become.

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