Chapter 12

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**Elianna's P.O.V**

From my bedroom in the basement, I can’t tell if the cries come from Sophie or Alex but both are irritating. I can’t stay home a second longer. Even if it means taking the bus to school instead of getting a ride.

With a sigh I hang up the phone with Austin. I can’t deal with that either right now. I realize that if I leave now I can catch the bus and am out of the house before you can say Elianna Ralph. I drift through the school day with ease. It is a quiet day and I am mercifully left alone. As the bell rings for lunch, however, I head to my locker with my mind still full of Austin. I have to make a choice.  And what I choice coul-

“Hey! Stranger!” Olivia calls after me. I turn to see her, Diane, Marie and Jessica surround me like harpies.
“Hi, what’s up?” I ask wearily.
“What’s up!” Jessica demands, raising an eyebrow. “You haven’t said a full sentence to any of us yet today! Where is your mind?” She raps on my head with her knuckles.
“I’m just tired.” I lie.
“Girl, you are a terrible liar. Try again later.” Olivia shrugs.
“If I were a bad liar you would already know what’s up.” I point out.
“You just admitted that something is wrong.” Jessica smirks.

Marie is silent. Our eyes meet and then we both look away as quickly.
Jessica catches the gesture and crosses her arms. “Really guys, tht is so childish. If you’ve had a fight, hug and make up.” She guesses.
“We’re not in a fight.” I mumble.
Diane looks both Marie and I in the eyes. “They’re not lying. Let’s just give them a minute.”  Diane always notices these things. I should have known that she would but at least she leaves Marie and I alone for a time, pulling the others with her.

As if sharing a mind, Marie and I step forward and pulls each other into a hug.
“So what is wrong?” She asks.
“Don’t kill me.” I groan.  “I got a phone call this morning and I don’t know what to do.”
“What did Austin say?” Marie demands.
“How do you know that it was Austin?” I argue defensively.
“Well was it?” Marie scowls.
“Well what did the say?” Maire wonders, trading her anger for curiosity.
“He wants me to move in with him.” I blurt out.

Marie gapes at me.
“You can’t legally do that until you’re 16.” She finally says.
“I can’t live at home for another year!” I moan.
“He’s too old for you.” She snaps.
“Joseph’s too old for you! So what?”
Marie is taken aback. “I just don’t trust him.”
“I need more reason then that.” I say softly.

We are quiet for a moment before I ask, “Have you spoken to your parents about you and Joseph yet?
“No.” Marie answers sharply.
I take her hand. “You don’t need to be scared. I’ll come with you if you want.”
“No.” Marie answers again, but gentler this time. “This is something that I have to do on my own.”
She hugs me again and the bell rings.

At the end of the day, I take the city bus home so as not to run into Olivia or Jessica. I don’t want to answer anymore questions.
I have a decision to make. If I do move in with Austin, my parents reserve the right to haul me right back home. After all, I am still a minor. But can I really live with my siblings for much longer?
Before I realize it, i am downtown near the library. I like libraries and books in general. This would be a good place to avoid my family for a time.

Just outside, though, I hear a voice calling my name. I turn and see Austin jogging over to me from his group of friends off to the side. As the does, the drops his cigarette and tramples it underfoot.
“Hey Elli. Shouldn’t you be at home?” He asks.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to be.” I answer simply.
“Everything ok?” He asks, taking my hand in his.
“Kiss me.” I murmur, putting my arms around my boyfriend's neck.
Austin brushes my hair out of the way and puts a hand on my waist. His other hand is on the back of neck, pulling me to him. The kiss is perfect.
His friends whistle and Austin lets go only long enough to flip them off.

“I have a surprise for you.” Austin says when we come apart.
“Oh yeah? What?” I ask.
“I moved back into my apartment.”
I give a little squeal. “That’s so great!” My excitement leaves for a second. “Wait, does that mean that you aren’t coming to church anymore?”
Austin kisses my forehead. “I’ll see you other times.”
“I’m glad that you have your place back.” I say honestly.
“So you’re not going home?” Austin asks.
“Not anytime soon.” I say boldly.
Austin pulls me closer and kisses my throat. “Damn you’re sexy.” He mumbles against my skin.
“We could go back to your apartment?” I purr.
Austin fits his mouth to mine again. “I’ve heard worse ideas.”

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