Chapter 2

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**Elianna’s P.O.V.**

Marie and Joseph reappear at different times but I know that my brother is too careful to have left Marie alone like that. This was carefully planned. Too carefully. They have something to hide.
“So it was a good thing that I left you alone with your boo?” I mutter under my breath once I cross the room to Marie’s side.
She looks around and hisses, “Girl!You Won't Believe This!”
I smirk. “I think that I will.”
Marie hugs me so tightly that it squeezes the air out of my lungs.

************The next day*************

“Did you bring bread for us!” Jessica yells at me. I roll my eyes and hand her the container.
“You aren’t going to wait for the others are you.” I assume.
She shakes her head and dives into her lunch.
After a minute, Marie and Olivia show up in our corner and Diana comes only a second after them.
“SO TELL THEM!” Marie screams.

I blush and nervously twist the corner of my skirt.
“Spill.” Jessica orders.
“I have… a date.”  I mumble, chewing on a fingernail.
“Wow.” Olivia says dryly. “I feel so left out.”
Jessica squeals and grabs me before pulling back. “Wait… the last time that you said that, you went out with a pedophile-”
“It’s not like that at all.” I try to explain but Marie cuts in disapprovingly.
“The guy is 18. He goes to our church and is as ugly as sticks.” She snorts.

I let out a deep breath. “He’s not ugly. Marie just has bad taste and a big mouth.”
Jessica pus a hand on my shoulder. “In all seriousness, though, are you going to get hurt?”
I shake my head. “No, he is not exactly what I would call a gentleman but he’s not going to hurt me.”
“Girl, I can not believe this.” Diana finally says.
“Why not!” I argue, suddenly defensive. “Jessica has George, you have Gaven, Shyny is trying to bed my brother-”
“NOT EVEN CLOSE!” Marie screeched,
“-so what is so wrong with thinking that I might have a boyfriend too?” I demand.
“Because I will be alone in the world!” Olivia says at the Austine time as Jessica explains, “ I don’t think that she meant it like that. It’s just that you seem to be so against boyfriends-teen relationships in general- that we never would've thought about this for you.”

“You’re like a cactus.” Marie grins.
“That’s not what I think at all!” Diana protests. “ I just meant that you are always saying that boys are a waste of time…”
“What Jessica said.” Olivia interjects.
I let out an irritable huff.  “Well then.”
“We are so excited for you though!” Jessica soothes.
“What are you going to wear?” Diana changes the subject.
“Something Blue.” Olivia decides for me. “You usually look nice in blue.”
“Something sexy.” Jessica winks.
“Jessica!” Diana giggles!
“What! There can be a difference between sexy and slutty. Be sexy.” She shrugs.
“Be yourself.” Marie said picking up and squeezing my hand.

“That’s so cliche.” Olivia groaned.
“But it is still true. Make sure that he like you for you.” Jessica argued wisely.

I throw my arms around both of them. “I’ll be fine. I’m just really excited.”

********************5 days later*********************

My foot taps impatiently as I wait for the last five minutes before class is out. The bell rings and i fly to the bathroom to change. A short flowy pink skirt with a black and white blouse with buttons all the way up. I try to always wear buttons around him. It would just be so… perfect if the would reach out and undo them… one by one… ‘till…

I keep the shirt done up except for the top two buttons. 
I brush out my eyelashes and fix up my hair. A light sweep of pale pink chapstick is pretty and won’t get all over him if he finally kisses me.

I take the city bus down to the terminal and then wander towards the restaurant. Austin is waiting for me outside! I hurry over to him and hug him.  Oh my word! He gives the best hugs!
“Let’s go inside. He says, taking hold of my hand.  He’s holding my hand!
He finds us a table and we sit down across from each other. I wish that I could cuddle up beside him and kiss him. But that will have to wait.

“So, how are you?” He asks nervously. Nervously? He’s never nervous.
“I’m good.” I smile. I look down shyly.
We order and eat, all the while making small talk. When we finish we sit in silence for a little while. “Can we go for a walk somewhere?” I ask.
“Sure.” Austin agrees easily. He stands pays and offers me his hand. I take it eagerly and intertwine our fingers. We wander over to a park and sit down together on a bench. I tuck my legs up on the bench beside me and rest my head on Austin’s shoulder.

“There is still so much that I don’t know about you.” I say and am shocked by the vulnerability in my voice.
“Like what?” Austin asks.
“Like what’s your last name.” I demand.
“June 11”
“Favorite color?”
“How does that matter?” Austin exclaims.
“It’s very important.” I retort seriously.
“Typical.” I smirk.
“I’m a typical guy.” Austin shrugs.

I look at him carefully and  answer, “No, I really don’t think that you are. You’re special, different.”
“How so? What do you think that I’m like?” Austin asks with a curious half-smile.
“Well you’re an athlete. You’re honest, you say what you think. You’re insightful. You are attractive enough to be the guy who is ‘popular’” I say.
“I’m not.” Austin argues.
“I know.” I nod. “But you could be, why not?”
“It’s a waste of time.” He shrugs.
“See that is what i like about you; you’re blunt, no sugar-coating.” I smile flirtatiously. “Now, what do you think of me?”

Austin smirks at me and I get all melty inside. “You’re a good runner. You hate a lot of people, pretty,”
“I know,” I toss my head and wink.
Austin moves his arm around my waist. I go mute but it feels right. Like it belongs there.

“So will I see at church on Friday? You and the other snowflake?” I tease.
“You still call me a snowflake?” Austin grumbles.
“But you’re my snowflake.” I say boldly.
Austin smiles crookedly, leaning towards me until our faces are very close together. “In your dreams…” He rumbles.
“In my dreams, much more exciting stuff happens between you… and I.” I gasp.
He is so close to me… so distracting…
“Maybe I can make your dreams come true.” he growls.
My heart flips. “I never doubted.” I whisper.

And the gap between us is gone. My arms go around his neck and his hands creep up my shirt, making small circles over my hips.
The kiss is short and I blush when we break apart.
“Just like your dreams?” Austin winks.
When I answer, my voice is breathless. “Not quite.”
“Well then maybe we should try again.” Austin smirks. Any further words are cut off by his lips crashing down on mine and silencing them. This time, our embrace is longer.

“By the way, Happy Birthday.” Austin smiles.
I kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you. I have to go home, though.”
“And you probably should before Joseph comes to pick me up. He thinks that I am out with my girlfriend.” Austin agrees. “He probably would not be pleased to find out that I was with you.”
I giggle as we get up and start walking.

“I might have told him the truth.” Austin says suddenly.
“What do you mean?” I ask in confusion.
“I told him that I was out with my girlfriend. You tell me. Am I?” Camero shoots me a sideways glance.
“I would hate for you to have lied to my brother. You are.” I say and can’t keep a smile off of my face.

At the bus stop, I kiss him goodbye before going. “Goodnight, my snowflake.”
Austin rolls his eyes. “Goodnight, Elianna.”

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