Chapter 9

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**Marie’s P.O.V.**
I lean against Joseph’s truck and close my eyes.

“Marie.” he had said. “I love you. I want to be with you so badly… but you just don’t understand the rules!”
“I do know the rules.” I snap.
“Then you know that being with me breaks nearly all of them.” Joseph exclaimed. “But no matter, whatever happens in your life, I’ll be your friend.”
“That’s it! You’re just going to give up!” I snapped.
“There is nothing that I can do! Certain rules have to be followed.” Joseph sighed. “The rules were put in place for us to  be safe; so we obey them”
“Well maybe the rules are wrong!” I cried.
Joseph had chuckled. “Marie, honey, you know what happens in every single action movie when the heroine says that?”
I felt like he was laughing at me and hated it. Is it so wrong to want to love someone or to be loved?
Tears prickle in my eyes.
“Marie! Honey, don’t cry!” Joseph had said softly. “You know that i love you, right? Right!”
I giggled through the tears and Joseph had stared at me as though I was some kind of strange creature.
“I said that I love you.” Joseph gaped.
“Yes- It’s not that…! It’s that- you-you- my dad calls me honey.”  I laughed sobbed and said.
“I guess that I’ll have to find you a new pet name.” Joseph laughed along with me.

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Marie, what would you parents say? Would they let us date? Could you talk to them?”
I smiled. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
He picked up my hand and squeezed it for a second before dropping it like a hot coal. “Marie, I won’t go against your parents.” He frowned.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Marie, I want to get to know you better and not have to hide that I have feelings for you. I believe that dating is a way to find your partner for life. I won’t marry you in secret so I won’t date you in secret.” Joseph vowed.
“You’ve thought about marrying me.” I gaped.
Joseph blushed. “Yeah. Not necessarily soon but-”
I cut him off by leaning over and kissing his “I’ll talk to my parents.” I promised.
“One last thing.” Joseph said seriously, “If we do date and become serious, We should save ourselves.”
“What… do you mean?” I stammered.
“Our bodies. We should save them for each other. For when we are married.” 
“Oh…” I faltered.
“No kissing, no sex.” Joseph finished confidently.
“Ok.” I agreed.

I see Elle come out of the house wearing an impish grin and come back to the present.
“What happened?” I ask.
She giggles and plays with a button on her shirt.
She rolls her eyes. “Joseph walked in on Austin and I.”
I throw a hand over my mouth. “You didn’t!”
“Didn’t what?” Elle teases.

“Tell me you didn’t do it.” I beg, closing my eyes.
“Ok, we didn’t.” Elle shrugs. “Now what is the it that you are referring to?” She smirks at me.
I glare at her. “Elianna Ralph. Did you, or did you not, sleep with Austin.”
Elli shakes her head. “Absolutely not.”
I sigh in relief but Elle is not done yet. “But Joseph saw us both shirtless and kissing.” She giggles.
“What did you do when the walked in!” I exclaim.
Elli winks at me. “I kissed Austin again.”
“Get in the car!” I shake my head.”Girl! You are grounded!” Laughing, Elle climbs into the truck but I am only half kidding. What am I going to do with that girl!?

Joseph leaves the house and gets into the driver’s seat with a furious expression. My laughter and Elli’s stop abruptly. I lean over and touch his arm in concern. “Everything alright?”
Joseph leans back and glares at Elle. “You will not see Austin alone.” He snaps.
“You’re not in charge of me.” She retorts.

Elle is stubborn. Surely Joseph knows that. He wouldn’t try to fight her…
He turns and says sharply, “No, but I am in charge of Austin. And I will insure that you two are separated.”
I turn and look once at Elianna. She is furious. Joseph is going to have to tie her down to stop her from running off with Austin. Dear God, Joseph. May the Lord in Heaven help you.

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