Chapter 8

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**Joseph’s P.O.V.**
I open the door to Austin’s bedroom and then stop, take a step back and knock. Only God knows what could be going on in there. I hear Elli’s high pitched squeal, Austin’s low murmur and a lot of moving around.
If Austin is hurting her…
I close my eyes, brace myself and push into the room. Elianna doesn’t look like she is being hurt. She is curled up in Austin’s lap with her shirt unbuttoned halfway to her waist. Austin’s is completely off.  What have I interrupted!

Elle sees me and  a look of terror comes over her. She leaps away from Austin who looks sheepish but almost proud! I find his shirt on the floor and fling it at him. “Get dressed!” I roar. “And you!” I snap at Elli. “Cover yourself!”

She blushes bright red and turns away from me to do up her shirt. “Elle, I am taking you home.” I inform her. I grab her arm to bring her away but she shoots me a dirty look and runs back to Austin to kiss him goodbye. The kiss is not particularly passionate, but it is meaningful. When they step apart, Elle glares at me, clearly saying, Ha. Try and separate us.
“Go get in the truck with Marie.” I tell her. Elle scampers off, stopping once to blow Austin a kiss.

Once she is gone, I turn to him.
“What did we agree?” I demand.
“Joseph, really-”
“Answer the question!” I yell.
Austin sighs, “That once Elle got here we would come out into the living room.”
“Is this the living room?” I demand. “Answer me!”
“No it’s not.” Austin admits. “I was going to come out but then Elli walked in on me-”
“What? When. How did she walk in on you.” I demand.
Austin shakes his head. “I won’t say. She gave me her trust.”

I sink against the wall. “SHe saw you changing didn’t she. She saw you naked?”
“Yeah.” Austin nods.
“That settles it.” I say, lifting my hands. I feel worn and beaten down. As if there is only one solution.
“What? What are you going to do?” Austin stands up straight.
“You can not see Elli anymore.” I snap.
“Are you kidding me!” Austin explodes. “You can’t just-”

The door opens again and my father comes in. Austin falls silent.  “Joseph, Austin. What is going on. Why are you shooting so much!” he demands.
By worldly standards, my father is not a tall man. He stands barely 5”7. He was born in Barbados and raised there. From the time that he was 12 until the was 30, he was in the army. I’ve seen him get angry only a few times but I know that when the does he is dangerous.

“Why are you shouting?” Dad demands again.
“Sorry Uncle John.” Austin mumbles.
“And you.” Dad turns to me. “What are you doing in here. Elliana and Marie are outside, by themselves, waiting for you.”
“Yes Dad.” I mumble.
“Speak up!” Dad thunders
“Sorry Dad.” I answer. “I am giving them a ride back into town.”
“Well hurry. I have things that I need you to do for me.” Dad says in a normal tone and smiles at me.

“And Austin.” he rolls his eyes at Austin. “Don’t forget that you are not living here for free. You have chores to do!” he bellows.
Austin stands up straight. “Yes Uncle John..”
“YES SIR!” Austin yells back.

My father chuckles a bit and in a normal voice says, “Come on boys.”
I feel a twinge of annoyance. I’m not “boy” anymore. I am 24 years old and trying to finish University while helping Dad with his youth program. I am living at home, cleaning up after messed-up teenagers and ordered around my my father.

I want to finish school. Get a job so that I can support a wife and raise a family. Buy my own house! Is that too much to ask?”

I know that my Dad’s work is important, but maybe it’s not my dreams like it is his.

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