Chapter 5

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**Elianna’s P.O.V**
First thing in the morning, I am greeted with a text from Joseph. What the hell does he mean, we need to talk. I call him as soon as I can. “Hello?”
“Morning.” he answers.
Long silence
“Can I help you?” I ask.
More silence
“You told me to call you! What the hell do you want?” I laugh tensely.
“Watch your language.” Joseph answers.
“What do you want!” I exclaim.

“Where were you last night.” He finally says.
“Out.” I say. Smooth Elli. Really not suspicious at all.
“Out where? With your secret boyfriend perhaps?” I can hear the annoyance in his voice.
He knows. And I know that Austin wouldn’t have said anything and only one other person knew.

“Thank you for intruding in my personal life, now please excuse me as I call and yell at Marie.” I snap.
“Don’t get mad at her.” Joseph says calmly, “We’re all just trying to help you.”
Does nothing faze this idiot!
“I didn’t hear you lecturing Marie after your little make-out session!” I yell.
“Calm down, Elli. First of all, it was not a make-out session. Secondly, please stay out of my personal business.” Joseph responds.
“Are you kidding me! First of all,” I mimic, “ you are all up in my personal life, you hypocrite! And secondly, your personal life became mine when you started screwing my best friend!

Alana walks into our room. “Why are you yelling at Joseph?” She demands.
I shoot her a dirty look and walk out.
“Elianna, listen to me and listen to me carefully.” Joseph says quietly.
Something in his tone makes me shut up quickly. “What.”
“Nothing is going on between your friend and I. Nothing more than a friendship that I would have with anyone else. But you? You are going to get used,dumped and abandoned by your boy, Austin. You need to get away from him and stay away quick.”

“Joseph, you’re my brother and I love you. But I don’t think that you understand him the way I do. If you would just give him a chance!”
“Elli.” Joseph sighs. “You have a day off this friday, Right?”
“Yeah.” I reply.
“Come up to my family’s house. If you are going to spend time with this idiot I want it to be right under my nose where I can watch you.”
I squeal. “Thank you! Thank you so so so so much, Joseph!”
He sighs again. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I won’t”  I promise.

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