Chapter 14

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**Elianna’s P.O.V.**
When we get back to his place, I immediately say to Austin, “Go shower. You smell like smoke.”  He shakes his head at me and leans over to kiss me. I put a finger on his lips. “Nope. Shower first. Kisses later.”

Austin rolls his eyes and grumbling, walks down the hall. I take some time to look around the little area.

There is a tiny kitchen with an old oven/stove, fridge and microwave. There is a table with three chairs around it. A couple of cupboards are mounted on the walls around everything. They are almost bare except for the one full of boxes of KD. Shaking my head in disgust, i decide that I am definitely going to deal with that. I move on to inspect the tiny living room containing only a couch, standing lamp and T.V.
Down the hall I find a bathroom with a closed door. I note with satisfaction that there is water running and nod. For once Austin did what I wanted him to. Then last but not least, I find the bedroom. Clothes are all over the floor and his desk is cluttered with papers and dirty dishes. The bed is unmade. In just a minute or two, I have cleared the clothing into a basket and started carrying dishes into the kitchen.

Austin finishes his shower and comes out. He wraps his arms around my waist while I stand at the sink and says, “I didn’t bring you here to wash dishes.”
His voice is both seductive and teasing in one. I turn around and kiss his cheek. “I know, darling, but someone has to take care of you.”

He looks around, taking in the scrubbed countertops, sparkling dishes in the drain rack and open curtains that let the afternoon sun into the room.
“A fifteen year old housewife.” Austin smirks. “And you know what else housewives do?”
“I get the feeling that you’re going to tell me.” I retort
“Take care of the babies.” Austin whispers.
“I pretty sure that I don’t have any kids.” My heart flip flops.
“We could change that.” Austin answers.

There is nothing that i want more then having Austin’s baby. But…
“No. No babies for us, mister. Not until you are done school, have a job and can provide for us.” I answer.

I wash the last dish and turn into his embrace. Austin brushes a curl out of my face as I dry my
Austin’s fingers lift the edge of my shirt and rest on the small of my back, pulling me to him. One hand reappears and toys with the buttons on my blouse. I kiss him soundly and back away, breaking the moment.

A moment later I say to Austin, “I need 20 bucks.”
“For what!” he yelps.
“To go grocery shopping.” I retort. “I can’t stand the idea of you living off kraft dinner.”
Austin obligingly hands over the cash and we leave the apartment to go shopping.
“What are you going to make?”  Austin asks as we browse through the produce section.
I pick up a bunch of fresh tomatoes and some onions. “It’s a secret.”
“It’d better not be some vegetarian crap.” Austin warns.
“It’ll be vegetarian.” I say, lugging over a bag of rice.
“Princess! I can’t live like that! I’m a carnivore!” Austin pleads.
“No you’re not. No humans are. Besides, Kraft dinner is vegetarian.” I point out.
Austin falls silent. I grab a couple cans of beans, vegetables and soup. “I don’t eat vegetables.” Austin finally says. He sounds proud of himself. I pick up a package of whole wheat pasta and a jar of tomato sauce. “Now you do.” I say sweetly.

Austin grumbles as the helps me unload our basket onto the check-out belt. He’s quiet now but I just know that he’ll have words to say to me later.
“Your total comes to  $19.65.”
I hand the clerk the twenty dollar bill and tell her to keep the change. Austin takes the bags of groceries and asks, “How did you know the exact price of everything?”
I wink. “I’m special.”
We walk back to his house and I start to unpack. “The soup is for later in the week.” I instruct. “Just heat it up. It’s super easy. The pasta and tomato sauce are also for later.” I continue, storing them in the cupboards. “They’re easy to make, cheap and filling.”

“I think that you have too much faith in me.” Austin comments, eyeing the food warily. “I really can’t cook.”
I grab a knife out of a drawer and begin dicing vegetables. After a moment, I turn to Austin, “Your knife is dull.”
“How was I supposed to know!” He exclaims.
I go back to cooking and say thoughtfully, “I think that when buying a house you should have to prove that you know how to cook. If not for me, you’d starve to death. And not all guys have someone as fabulous as me.”
“Yes yes.” Austin sighs.

Half an hour later, Austin sits at the table in the kitchen and I set his dinner in front of him. Chile served hot of white rice. “Bon appétit.” I smile, sitting across from him. The starts to eat but I take hold of both his hands. “Wait, pray with me?”
He looks unsure but then smiles shyly. “Of course. If that’s what you want.”
“You do it.” I nod.
Again, Austin looks unsure but then he nods. “Bow your head.”

His prayer is short and he stumbles through it. But it’s the thought that matters. What matters is that the tried so hard to please me. Maybe the prayer wasn’t meant for God but maybe I can help him to love God through me. I silently vow to double my efforts to be a good influence.

Austin takes a few bites but then freezes and demands, “Aren’t you eating? I am sure that there is enough for both of us!”
I laugh out loud. “Of course there is! I made a full pot of chile. That food is for you. I have to eat at home so that people are not suspicious.”
Austin looks up seriously, “But this is your home Princess. Here, with me.”
“Not yet.” I say softly. “But one day. And Austin,” I silence him, “Every monday. I’m going to be over here. I’m going to cook and bring you food, enough that you can eat well all week. And I’ll clean. That way, you can have time to study. Then you can graduate and get a job and when I turn 16 we’ll tell my parents about us and I’ll move in with you.”

“Can you wait a year?” Austin asks.
“Of course. I love you. I’ll wait.” I smile. There is a knock on the door and Austin finishes eating quickly. He stands and goes over to the door  which I can see from the kitchen though the little foyer. I start to clean up.
“Who is it?” I call.
“I don’t know.” Austin answers.
“Then open it!” I laugh.  Austin opens the door and I have my back to the scene that unfolds. I hear a thud as the door is forced open. I turn around and nearly drop the dishes.

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