Chapter 3

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**Marie’s P.O.V.**
I am up late waiting for Ellie’s call. My phone rings just after 11 o’clock.
“Did he kiss you!?” I yell.
“Keep your voice down,” Elianna whispers. “And I don’t kiss and tell.”
“PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease!” I beg.
“Yeah, he kissed me and better yet, we’re official!” She can hardly keep the joy out of her voice.
“Elle! Please don’t get involved with him.” I hiss. “I don’t trust him.”

“Why not!” Elianna snaps. “I trust him as much, maybe more, than anybody!”
I am silent for a moment before I say, “Do you trust Joseph?”
Ellie answers quietly, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“He doesn’t trust Austin either. Don’t do this. Please listen to him.” Is the response. “Elle, he loves you, you know. Joseph? He’s trying to keep you safe.”
My friend is quiet and I wait.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She finally murmurs.

As soon as we hang up, I call Joseph. “You good?” are his first words.
“Yeah, just tired… and worried about Elianna.” I blurt out and instantly want to swallow the words back down.
“Why, what’s wrong!?” Joseph answers, instantly concerned.
“I… she… promise you won’t tell anyone?” I plead.
“Course not.” He promises.
“I won’t use any names but she went out with someone that I don’t approve of and you don’t either and I am scared that she is going to get in trouble by dating this certain someone.” I say.
“She’s dating Austin!” Joseph growls.
Oh frick! He’s going to lose it!

“No names, remember.” Is all I say.
“Right.” Joseph snaps. “That fool girl.”
“I tried to stop her…” I begin feebly.
“No no no no no no, it’s not your fault.” Joseph soothes. “Forget about it. I’ll deal with this. I should’ve kept a tighter watch on her.”
“Joseph?” I whisper, “We are we going to do about us. I’m scared.”
“I’ll figure it out.” He promises. “Get some sleep. Goodnight.”
“Night.” I murmur.

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