Chapter 10

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**Elianna’s P.O.V.**
In my mind there is nothing better then the controlled chaos of my church. Most people find it weird how much  love coming here but after coming to the little Adventist church for almost 13 years now and it is like having another family. There are tops 50 people and I know them all by name.
The day starts off as it always does trying to get all six members of my family through the bathroom. I have two sisters, Allana who is 17 and and Sophie who is 9. They both take forever to get ready and my little brother Alex is 8 but takes as long as any girl. We get to church and Allana, Marie, my mom and I coax the children downstairs to their special programs. Marie and I take care of all of them ages 4-10. Playing games with them, singing songs and teaching them bible stories is the highlight of my week.
When the children’s time is up, Marie and I shoo the little ones upstairs to sit with their families for the rest of the service.

I straighten my skirt and hair before Marie and I go up as well. Just as Marie goes to open the door, however, it swings open and The Ames’s walk in. Joseph, Austin, Uncle John and the rest of the family. Marie blushes red and tries to drag me away but I go over to say hellos. I hug everyone and then step towards Austin.

I look him over and a giggly, girly smile comes over my face. “Nice suit.” I giggle, biting my lip.
Austin is at church every week (It is part of the agreement that the has with Uncle John) and almost always Joseph can convince him to put on a dress shirt, but this is the first time that I have ever seen him in a full suit. Before I can stop myself, I reach over to straighten his collar and tie.  I smooth them down and freeze when I realize that my hands are pressed firmly to his chest.

Austin smirks and catches hold on my hand. He squeezes it gently and and says, “you look very nice yourself.”
His green eyes flicker over my tight bodice and flared knee length skirt before grinning at me, “Princess.”
“Snowflake.” I retort affectionately. I put both hands on Austin’s chest and teasingly shove him away.
“Stay away from her.” Marie hisses, pulling me away.
Joseph appears at my other side and glares at Austin. I can’t help but get angry. I wrench myself away from Marie and Joseph.

“I can take care of myself.” I sneer at Joseph. His jaw locks and takes hold of my arm, literally moving me away from Austin. Marie tries to hug and soothe me. I snap.
“Stop telling me what to do!” I yell. I march away from them in fury. Tears cloud my vision and I nearly trip. Uncle John takes hold of my arm. “What is all the yelling about. Elli, are you okay? Joseph, what’s going on?”

“Nothing Dad.” Joseph stutters.

I pull away from everyone and lock myself in the bathroom. Soon enough, Maire knocks on the door. “Elle? Elli? Come out. People’ll talk.”
She’s right and I know it. I wipe my eyes and wash my face. I look into the mirror and force a smile. I frown at my reflection and smile again. It has to look real.
I step outside.

Marie reaches for my hand and I let her take it only to keep up appearances. “Sorry about all that.” She whispers. “I really- Joseph and I really- just want you to be happy and you can’t be with Austin.” She adds spitting out his name with venom in her voice.
“Well do I look happy now?” I snap.
We meander our way upstairs, stopping to greet people as we do. Always smiling. At our church, everyone is Auntie or Uncle. It’s really nice until people get nosy and gossipy. Marie and I take our seats near the front of the sanctuary and open our hymn book to sing.
“Well you may not be happy now but you will be in the long run.” Marie whispers to me.
“How do you know what makes me happy?” I hiss.
“I know that all this stress and sneaking around can’t be.” She retorts.

Uncle John shoots me a look from his seat on the platform. I force my lips into a smile. Damn. I slipped up and he will notice.  I make a mental note to avoid Uncle John after the service.
Hallie,who is sitting behind me, pokes my back. “What’s going on? You’d better tell me! NOW!”
“Later.” Marie smile sweetly, “Never.” I mumble.
On my left, Valerie overhears the last of our conversation and elbows me in the side. “Elianna, what’s going on? You okay?”
I take a deep breath and slip out of our pew. I march out o f the sanctuary and purposely brush past Austin who is slouched down in the last pew on his phone. When my skirt touches him,  his eyes flicker up to mine for a second before I hurry out of the sanctuary. I burst through the foyer and out the front door, into the midday sun.

Fancy church skirt and all, I lie down on the grassy ground. The sun floats around me and tears come to my eyes. As I had hoped, in moments, Austin comes after me. “Elli, princess, what’s wrong?”
“If one more person asks me that, I’m going to scream.” I sniffle. Austin comes and sits beside me. I move over and rest my head in his lap.
“Elli.” He murmurs playing with my hair. “We only have a moment before Joseph comes out to get you.” I close my eyes again.
“Won’t you kiss me.” I whine.

Austin bends over me and kisses me almost desperately. Then again, slower and gently.
“I love you.” I say tiredly.
“I love you.” Austin repeats.

Through the glass doors of the church, I can see Joseph standing on the stairs, looking at us and shaking his head at our display on the front steps. Sighing, I pick myself up, dust off my skirt, force a smile and go back inside.

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