Chapter 15

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**Marie's P.O.V.**
I trot behind Joseph as the runs up the stairs to where Austin's supposed apartement is. I didn't even know that he had an apartment! I guess Joseph isn't actually running, but to my sore little legs it sure seems like it.
We reach the last landing and Joseph holds out his hand. "Stay here." he orders.
"What!" I whine.
Joseph picks up my hand and squeezes it. "Marie, darling, If Elianna is here, I don't want her to know right away that you are the one who informed me about her. I don't want her to be mad at you."
I don't like his argument but I can't disagree. "Fine." I sigh. Joseph squeezes my hand again and sprints up the next flight of stairs and I slump against the wall.

The elevator next to me opens and I come face to face with Mrs. Dortheaa Gracen, and elderly woman from my church. She is ancient and even shorter than Elli but her face is smooth, without wrinkles and she is always cheerful.

"Marie, Fancy seeing you here!" Mrs. Dortheaa smiles. "Visiting friends?"
"In a way." I answer, trying not to give away too much but not lie.
Mrs. Dortheaa looks at me speculatively. "Marie, I am here to visit my son, you know him and his family from Church don't you,"
I nod, Mr. Gracen is Hallie father.
"Well, the last time that I was here, the mentioned that the boy that had been living with the Ames's had moved in here. Did you know about that?" Mrs. Dortheaa asks pointedly.
"No ma'am." I try to smile innocently.
"I see." Mrs. Dortheaa nods knowingly. She sets her bags down and cocks her head to the side. "Marie, I couldn't help but notice at Church last week that you seemed rather taken with the Ames boy..."
"Joseph." I supply automatically then throw a hand over my mouth. I just gave it all away!
"Yes, Joseph, isn't it. Lovely young man." She smiles at me. "Don't worry, Child, I won't tell. I'd just like to share a word of advice, If I may?"

I nod. Mrs. Dortheaa picks up my hand, "Child, Love is Freedom, is Responsibility, is Trust."
She smiles at me, picks up her things and walks away before I can ask for an explanation or even offer to help her. I can hear her tiny heels clicking down the hall as she goes.

I put the thought out of my mind. Old people always have "advice" for everyone else. People say that Mrs. Dortheaa is a wonderfully wise woman, But all I see is another old lady.
I busy myself thinking about Joseph. If Mrs. Dortheaa noticed something between us, we definitely need to be more careful.
I smile, thinking about Joseph. Although the is a bit overprotective and irritating at times, the fills me with the kind of love that no one else could...

The thought hits me and it is like it really hits me over the head. What if this is how Elli feels about Austin. What if he really is trying to be a good boyfriend. I've noticed little things, how he never smokes or swears around her and how he always tries to hold doors open for her. Last week, when they thought that they were alone, Austin offered Elle his arm before they went down the stairs.
What if Austin really is the prince that Elli has been waiting for.

Without realizing it, I have begun inching my way towards the direction that Joseph had gone in. I don't know exactly where the apartment is but I think I'll know when I find it.
Sure enough, down the hall and around the corner is a wide open door and shooting voices.

I peek inside and see Joseph standing in the foyer with one hand holding Austin back. Elli is about ten feet away and yelling at the top of her lungs. In this screwed up relationship, I would have expected Austin to be the dramatic one, not my docile girlfriend, but it's Elle for sure.

"I am taking you home." Joseph says calmly.
"If you think that you can just march into my life and order me around you are so wrong!" Elli screams.
From across the room, Austin calls, "Princess, calm down."
Elli whips around. "Don't tell me to calm down! You calm down! I'm my own boss! Stay out of my life!"

She turns back to Joseph who looks slightly flustered. "Elianna-"

"Shut up! I don't need nobody ordering me around! You're not my father, you're not my boyfriend, you're not my brother, stay outta my business!"

"Elle stop-"
"No you stop! I don't need this, I don't need you, I don't-"
Elli's voice is abruptly cut off when Joseph crosses the room and covers her mouth with his hand.
Elle rips herself out of his grip. "Don't freaking touch me!" She hisses. SHe runs across the room and buries her face in Austin's shirt.
"Elle, stop yelling. I am going to take you home and then you are going to tell your parents about all of this; or I will. "

Elle slaps him.

I catch my breath. I try to silence it but Joseph looks over and rolls his eyes at me.
"Marie, I told you to stay behind." he thunders. The grabs my arm and pulls me into the hall.

"Joseph, For someone that doesn't like to manhandle people, you sure have been doing a lot of it lately!" I exclaim. "Besides, maybe we judged them too harshly. Maybe Austin isn't such a bad guy."

Joseph flinches. "I told you to stay behind so that you wouldn't interfere. Elle has to be dealt with. Stay out of it."
"It's not your place to deal with her." I sigh and take his hand. I want to kiss him. Joseph, I think that they are really trying to be in a good relationship. Austin loves her-"

"No he doesn't!" Joseph snaps, his grip on my hand tightening immensely.
"Joseph! Ow!"
He let's go slowly. "I'm trying to take care of her." he shakes his head. Joseph slumps against the wall. "What am I doing wrong?"

I scoot against him and Joseph slowly puts his arm around my waist. His warm hands send a shiver up my back. I lean closer.

"Waiting until we are official is going to be the hardest thing in the world." Joseph raspy.
"Not just for you." I whisper back.
"No, you have no idea." Joseph breaths. "I want to- you have no idea what I want to do to you..."
"You can take me now!" I beg. "We love each other, as long as we don't do... that..."
There is a fury in Joseph's eyes that scares me. This is the most intimate that we have ever been. I could kiss him now...

I stop. "We both know that we couldn't."
"We said that we'd wait. We'll wait." Joseph agrees reluctantly.

"What'll we do about Elle and Austin?" I wonder, shifting away from Joseph so that I can see him better.
Joseph frowns. "I still don't like that together. I don't trust Austin."
"It's not about you." I say gently.
"I feel responsible for Elle." Joseph sighs.
"You're not." I answer with a smile. "And you're not responsible for Austin either, now that the has his own place. Nothing that happens is your fault."

Joseph sighs again and helps me up off the floor. He doesn't look convinced but he smiles and still holding my hand walks back towards the apartment.

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