Chapter 4

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Sorry the begining was a little poor, but it'll get better, I swear.


**Joseph’s P.O.V**
Long after Marie hangs up, I stay staring at my phone. I can’t believe that Ellie would go behind my back like this. Every rule that I put in place for her, it was for her. She’s just like my  baby sister and I want to take care of her.

It is too late to call her now but I do need to know some things. I walk across the hall to Austin’s room. I flick on the light and march over to his bedside. “Wake up.” I order.
He rolls with one hand over his eyes, trying to pretend like the was asleep but I see his phone in his left hand and grab it.
I see that he has just hung up on a call with Elle.
Austin grabs the phone away from me and turns it off. “What the hell, man!” He exclaims.

“Keep your voice down.” I snap. “Where were you tonight.”
“Like I said.” Austin whines. “Out with Serena, my girlfriend.”
I grab his arm and subconsciously start to squeeze it. “” I hiss.
I feel the bones in his wrist start to crack and grind together. I force myself to let go. I have no desire to break his arm.

“What do you want from Elianna? She is my sister. What do you want from her. Is it sex? Is she a toy to you?”
Austin pulls his arm away from me and nurses his crushed hand. “No. She’s my girlfriend. I’m not going to hurt her.”
I lean against the wall across from Austin and say bitterly, “That what you said about all of your girlfriends. Anna, Leah, Serena, Brittany-”
“I get it!” Austin roars. He stands in fury but sinks back down onto the bed tiredly. “But she’s different-”

“Yeah, she’s a child.” I snap. “Don’t hurt her.
“She’s not a child and she can speak for herself.” Austin sighs.
In a step I cross the room and shove Austin back onto the bed. “I don’t care what you think. She could be 5 or 15 for all I care, but if you touch a hair on her head I will have you in so much trouble that you’ll wish that you had never met Elle.”
Austin is up in a flash in a defensive position. “Keep you hands to yourself.” He sneers.

I march out of the room without fighting back. I could kick his butt but he can have the last word this time. I’m not kidding, however. If he hurts her…
Before I go to bed, I send Ellie a text. Call me as soon as you wake up. We need to talk.


So, I hope that you liked this. I am going to try to update a little more regularily.

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