Chapter 11

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**Marie’s P.O.V.**
They’re not stealthy. Elle disappears, Austin disappears, Joseph disappears, Joseph returns with a hand firmly on Elle’s back and Austin doesn’t come back. If they are trying to hide their relationship, they need to try harder.  
Tongues are definitely already wagging.  Surely Elle knows that! She is a naturally suspicious person. She is constantly telling me to smile.
“Smile Marie. People talk, Maire. Smile! Do you like being pestered with questions? Smile!”
I refuse to believe that Elle loves Austin enough to be caught with him and never allowed to see him again!

Elle never comes back to sit with Valerie, Hallie and I. Joseph doesn’t let her. I want to yell at him because that will collect suspicion more than anything else!
The girls and I go downstairs and corner Elianna in one of the children’s classrooms.
“Tell me what this is all about!” Hallie demands. “I’m ten not stupid, I know that something is going on.”
Valerie’s brown eyes are sharp and accusing. “Is this about-”

Elle, Valerie and I all look at Hallie. “Hallie, sweetie,” Elle begins, “ Sometimes we older girls need to have conversations-”
“WIthout me?” Hallie snaps incredulously. “You guys are my best friends. Tell me!”

There is a long moment of silence before Hallie threatens, “I heard uncle John and Joseph talking about you. I’ll ask them.”
I smirk at Elle. “Told you that people would talk.” 
Elli ignores me and says to Hallie, “They wouldn’t tell you anything.”
“But if they know, everyone does.” Hallie points out.

As they stare at each other, I pull Valerie across the classroom. “What do you know? Are people actually talking about Elle?”
Valerie looks over towards Elle. “Yeah.” She says. “I think so.”
“Then I have to do something.” I slip out of the room and find a corner by myself. I pull out my phone and call Joseph. “Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up…” I chant softly.
Finally he does.

“Joseph!” I gasp.
“Marie, why are you calling me? I can see you from across the room.” Joseph asks.
“I would rather talk to you in person but with the whole Elli/Austin thing I thought that it was best that we weren’t caught alone together.”
“Fair.” Joseph agrees. “So what do you need.”
“A favour.”
“Okay…” Joseph says warily, “What?”
“Don’t bring Austin back to church. Keep him away from Elle.”
“It’s not my decision.” Joseph argues. “It’s my dad.”
“Tell him the truth about Them. he’ll agree.” I plead.
“It won’t help anyway. They can still text and call each other.”
“Take his phone.” I retort.
“You want me to steal his phone!” Joseph protests.
“Keep your voice down and yeah. Don’t you want to help Elli?” I exclaim.
“At the cost of not bringing him to church anymore and stealing his phone?” Joseph protests, “That’s a bit drastic.”
“Says the man who won't even let her ride the city bus on her own.” I scorn.
“I don’t like your tone I love you and I love Elli but there are other ways to take care of her.” Joseph snaps.
“You don’t like my tone! Well what are your ideas, aside from babysitting her 24/7?”

“Stop yelling at me.” Joseph says. His voice had been soft and loving moments before but now, even from across the room I can see it. He is angry with me.
“I don’t think that you are ina position to argue with me at the moment.I haven’t done anything to hurt you, in fact, I am busting my butt to try and help you and Elle.”
“You think that you can help her and I can’t; just because you are an adult?” I seeth.
“Frankly, yes.” Joseph sighs. “People will listen to me more than you because yes. I am an adult.”
“So you’re better than me?” I blink back tears.
“Marie, No!” Joseph sighs again. “Darling, I know that you’re worried about Elle but this is more about us… isn’t it?”
The knows me better than I know myself. “Yes, yes it is.” I mumble.
“Talk to your parents.” Joseph soothes. “Once we have their blessing, we will not have to hide anymore. Imagine, next week at church, I will come up to you and hug you, right there in front of everyone.”
“And what if they don’t give us their blessing?” I whisper.

Joseph falls quiet and I know that the has been thinking about this. I want him to say that the will run away with me, we’ll elope and live happily. But this is Joseph that we are talking about. He is too practical for that. 
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Is the only answer.

After signing off with copious, “I love yous” Joseph’s words are still in my mind. I got an answer. It’s not the one I wanted but it is the one that I’ll have to make do with.

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