Chapter One

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Although the thought of death was never something that excited me, it always peaked my interest. To my knowledge, no one actually knew what happens once we die, but many had theories. I however had did not, so I went through most of my life clueless about death.

As the clouds spread themselves evenly in a puffy layer at the top of the sky, the sun showed through and beamed right into my face. I threw my hands over my eyes and groaned, feeling slightly blinded. I sat in the front seat of my mom's car as we cruised down the everlasting road to my high school. School was never something that had appealed to me. I didn't see much of a point to wasting time here, 7 hours a day, 5 days a week just to graduate and then work every day until I die. But it was something I had to endure, much like my home life. My mom driving me to school was the first act of kindness, or near interest, she had shown me in months. She was always "too busy" to deal with me. She worked most of the time and usually, I forgot that I even had a mother. It was a typical sob story, but it was the sob story that was my life.

We, being my friends and I, are all juniors at our school here in Williston North Dakota. The population in our town was around 20,000 so you could see a new face everyday. Sweet 16 as some may call it, I would not be part of that some however. My high school wasn't bad. It was just your average public school.

We approached the school and I spotted my friends and gave a slight smile as I reached for the strap of my back pack. I wanted to get out of that car as fast as possible to avoid any conversation my mother may want to have.

"Have a good day Kayce." She said as I gripped the car door handle. I felt the hard plastic stay stiff under my coiled fingers.

"Sure. You too mom." I said and got out. I sighed, relieved that the conversation was short and shut the door. I did have my own car, but I didn't feel like driving it when it wasn't necessary. I wasn't like most teenagers who spent their entire lives just aimlessly driving. Driving terrified me, but for good reasons. I walked over to everyone with my phone in my hand.

"Hey Kayce!" Lilly was first to greet me. She was my upbeat best friend. Her looks were flawless which was why she usually had guys gawking over her. Her typical smile plastered on her perfect face that was polished with make-up.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" I said making casual conversation. We continued our pointless small talk until the first bell rang. I made my way up two flights of stairs with Kyle, another one of my friends, to our Calculus class. Kyle wasn't the best student out of all of us, but he was a good guy. He had light brown hair that usually covered part of his face and he was the kind of person that can make you laugh at a funeral. School wasn't exactly my strong suit either. I never did homework, 'I have to spend seven hours of my day in this hell hole, why should I waste more time on things that I didn't care much about?' I always thought to myself.

The only subject I cared enough to try in was art, and that was because I cared about art. I loved painting and drawing. My dad had bought me my first paint set and canvas that I had bugged him to get me for months when I was little. It was the one thing that I was passionate about.

"Did you do the homework?" Kyle leaned over in his desk and whispered to me. I looked at the ceiling before I gave him a strange look.

"What do you think? I was with you guys all night at Jen's." I said. Jen was another mutual friend of ours. He let a small smile escape his lips as he chuckled at me.

"Well I know how much of a good student you are. Are you even passing your classes?" He asked, I gave a small shrug. Passing my classes wasn't exactly the most important thing on my mind.

"Ehh, I'm getting by. Except in Art, I have an A but that's cuz' the teacher likes me." I explained. It was also because I cared to put time and effort into that class. In art we got to paint things as well as take photos as part of some assignments. I actually liked that class.

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