Chapter Ten

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Our week had been up and it was time to go. Time to let go of the only life I knew and time to start a new, better life. Throughout the week, Jay and I had packed my things and given some of my mom's things to my relatives. Although it was hard to part with her possessions, I knew I had to or they would sit in a box in my closet at the new house. We had everything I needed from my house all packed up and loaded into my car. Everything I, or a family member didn't have would be sold. But the police said they had that covered. I wasn't sure how, but Jay, and probably Seth, had gotten them to take care of everything. It was nice so I wasn't about to ask questions for once.

Everything was loaded in the car and Jen, Lilly, and Kyle were all standing with me and Jay.

"I'm gonna miss you guys!" I said to them as we were about to leave. I held back some tears and could feel my throat tightening at the thought of no longer seeing my best friends everyday. As excited as I was to go with Jay, I wasn't completely ready to leave my old life.

"We will miss you too. You better get going." Kyle said as he hugged me. I hugged everyone and we said our goodbyes. I struggled to hold myself together as I got in the passenger side of the car to let Jay drive and we pulled out of my driveway waving. I exhaled deeply and rested my head on the seatbelt. Jay noticed my sadness and took my left hand slowly crossing my fingers with his.

"It's ok Kayc'. You can still see them." He said knowing what was on my mind as usual.

"I know Jay. I just miss them. And it's going to be hard being away from them." I said. He pressed his lips together and nodded understanding. I could tell that he didn't like seeing me sad. I also knew that he didn't like taking me away from my home town. But I knew how much Jay loved me, and cared about me. I knew that he only wanted what was best for me, which was why I needed to go. I loved him which was why I wasn't fighting him on leaving Williston.

"I know. I'm sorry but I think this is the best thing for us right now." He said, I nodded. I could tell that he was sad, at how sad I was. I had to reassure him.

"I know. And things will get better. I'll be okay, I just need some time." I said. He nodded.

"We have all the time in the world. Why don't you take a nap? We have a very long drive." He suggested.

"Couldn't you just flash the car there?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Yes, I could but I thought that made you uncomfortable. And I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said. I smiled at how considerate he was being.

"No I'm fine with it. It's just a little weird that you can do that. Seems a little too good to be true you know? I'll get used to it though I promise." I said. I had to get used to it for him. Even though it really freaked me out, it was part of who he was. And I loved him more than anything, even being with him for this little amount of time. So I could only imagine how much more I'll love him in the future. I had to love the teleportation too, because it was part of him.

"So you want to just flash there?" He asked. I took a deep breath and covered my eyes.

"Yes." I said and shut my eyes tightly so I couldn't see what was happening. He chuckled for a moment then I heard the engine turn off. I kept my hands over my eyes and felt his lips gently peck mine as he smirked. He pulled away and chuckled again. He had a cute laugh.

"Okay we are here." He said and I slowly uncovered my eyes. I looked around but all I saw was snow. I looked ahead a saw a pretty big house. Bigger than the one I used to live in. It looked pretty updated too, which was nice. The house was lined with tan wood and the front door had grey stones that outlined it beautifully. There were more windows than I had ever seen on a house, including one large window directly above the front door, also lined with the stones. There was a good sized porch in front of the door that was made of dark wood. The house was gorgeous. "You like it?" He asked waiting for my response. I could tell that he was really nervous about my opinion by the way he slightly chewed his bottom lip.

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