Chapter Fifteen

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I shifted uncomfortably and sat up slowly. My arms ached and in between my thighs was on fire, still. I pushed myself to sit up and saw Jay, still asleep. I smiled softly and made my way to the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my bare body in the mirror. I looked like a leopard with spots of black and blue and purple all down my body. My eyes widened as I examined myself. My shoulder and forearms had large patches of bruises, in the shapes of Jay's strong hands. My hips had blotches of bruises from him grabbing them as well. I looked at my neck, and there were more bite marks than I could count. I smirked at these and rubbed my neck. I shut the door, after checking to make sure Jay was still sound asleep and started the shower. I climbed in and let the water bounce off of me. I washed my hair and body and then got out, wrapping a towel around my body. I put my hair into a bun, on top of my head, and left the bathroom. I saw Jay was no longer in bed and was instead getting dressed. I smirked and went to hug him.

"Morning Jay." I said smiling. He turned, only having a pair of black skinny jeans on and still being shirtless, and hugged me.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" He asked.

"I slept really well what about you?" I asked, trying to make him avoid asking about my bruises.

"Very good as well. How bad are you hurt?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Not bad at all, barely even." I lied slightly. He gave me a look, probably catching my bluff. He stared at my neck daringly.

"May I see?" He asked stroking my left shoulder, gently tracing over my lightly bruised collar bone.

"I don't know if I should show you." I said looking down. I really didn't want my bruises to make him feel bad or make him feel like it was inappropriate to touch me anymore.

"Why not? You won't let me see you anymore?" He asked lifting my chin to meet his gaze.

"No, I don't mind you seeing me. But, if you see, I'm afraid you won't touch me anymore." I said honestly. Getting concerned, he pulled my towel down revealing my body. His eyes went wide as he lightly stroked each bruise. Delicately his cold fingers traced down my stomach and hips. He rubbed the finger shaped bruises on my hips and closed his eyes.

"Oh my god. I did this to you."

"Jay, it's not a big deal." I said pulling the towel up again.

"Kayce have you seen yourself? You are covered in bruises, from my hands." He said emphasizing the fact that his hands did the bruising. "I can't believe I hurt you. I tried so hard not to. I am so sorry." He said hugging me carefully. I hugged him tighter.

"Jay, I like the bruises. They show me I'm still alive, which is why you should like them too. I don't care how hurt I get. Last night was the best night of my life, and I wouldn't change anything about it. Please, don't feel bad."

"Kayce, I-"

"Jay," I said grabbing his face in my hands and stroking his cheeks with my thumbs lightly. "Don't feel bad. It's my body, and I'm glad that last night went so well. Yes, I'm extremely sore, but it was worth it. Every second of it was amazing and I hope you think so too."

"It was amazing."

"Then please don't feel bad. Please Jay."

"Okay Kayc'. I'm really happy we did it." He said smiling and gently kissing me.

"So am I. It was so perfect. And the best part is, now, we can be together forever." I said looking up into his shining eyes.

"I know. I love that part the best." He said embracing me.

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