Chapter Two

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The obnoxious school bell rang signaling that the period had ended. I walked out of class and sneakily, I made my way out the back doors of the school where I knew I couldn't be seen skipping. Our school didn't have the best methods to prevent students from skipping. There were a few teachers that roamed the halls looking but no one blocked the exits. I cautiously looked around and saw that I was in the clear. I looked casual among the rest of the school walking back and forth from their cars, and the convenience stores across the street and then back to the school for lunch. If I reached the woods unnoticed and knew I was in the clear. I walked to the edge of the parking lot and scurried through the brush until I knew the thick trees hid my body. I walked to the hill and saw Kyle and Trevor when I arrived.

"Hey Kayc'!" Kyle said. I went and sat on the rock where he was.

"Hey guys." I said sitting down. The hill was unseen by the school luckily. Above, the sun lightly came down through the leaves. I wish I could say that it smelled like the woods, but all I could smell was the strong scent of smoke from the stoners a few yards away. I put my headphones in my ears and tried to drown out the annoying conversation happening around me. Soon enough it was time to head back for last period.

I had art last period which excited me because I could end my day on a good note. I had this class with Lilly which was also a plus because I didn't have to stay silent the entire class. I walked into the classroom with Lilly and we were laughing at a story she had been telling me. She said that she had been talking about her sexual relations in her last class while her teacher was standing right behind her. The attractive male teacher gave her a strange and alarmed look before blushing and walking away. I stepped in the class room to see the same stranger from this morning sitting in the back. I froze for a moment and my feet fumbled under me. I got myself to keep moving forward heading for our desk in the back, across from his. I had almost completely forgotten him.

We sat down and took out the paintings we had been working on. He just sat there with his headphones in while doodling in a book he had brought with him. I knew he brought it because I've never seen anything like it. I was just watching him. The way he sat there, slouched over his desk, but still sitting perfectly. His hair was long and black and almost completely covered his near colorless eyes, but it molded to his face in a way that made him look, flawless. Flawless was the only word I could use to describe his appearance. He caught me staring and turned his head with a quick snapping motion of his neck and stared straight into my eyes, which caught me by surprise. He had no emotion in his face, he was just, staring. Staring at me with those stone cold eyes.

I felt a little uncomfortable with this, so I turned back to my painting.

"You alright Kay?" Lilly poked me. I blinked a few times and smiled.

"Yea I'm good. Who's the new kid?" I whispered. She looked at him and shrugged. The fact that she didn't know surprised me because Lilly took the time to at least try to know everyone here. She was a social butterfly.

"I'm not really sure. But I know his name is Jay. He's in my English class. He is really quiet." She said. Jay. His name was Jay. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Really quiet." I said. We finished up our art projects until the final bell rang ending the school day. I walked to my locker with Lilly and she left me to go to her locker around the corner. I turned the dial to unlock it and threw my books in it and they hit the back of the metal box with a thud. I shut the door to find Jay standing behind it. I gasped suddenly because he was the last person I expected to see. I grabbed my chest and stumbled back, feeling as though I may pass out.

"Oh my god!" I gasped. He still just looked down at me. He was at least a foot taller than me. "Can I help you?" I asked as he just stared at me.

"I have a question Kayce." He said in a deep and demanding voice. Creepy new kid knows my name. Still a little shaken, I nodded, wanting him to go on.

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