Chapter Five

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About 20 minutes passed and the doorbell went off.

"I'll be back Ky!" I said as I scurried down the stairs. I opened the door and the cold night air blew my hair back. I looked around the doorway but no one was there. Shivering slightly, I stepped outside slowly and called.

"Hello?" I said looking into the black night. I could only see what the small porch light, and the street light that was across the street from my house, allowed me to see. There was no answer. I swear I heard the doorbell. Kyle must have too otherwise he would've asked where I was going. It was probably a prank, but I was hungry so I decided to call once more to check for the pizza guy. "Hel-" I was cut off by someone's hand around my mouth muffling me and forcing the air I was using to talk back down my throat. I struggled as they yanked me to a nearby bush. I inhaled sharply but couldn't really breathe. Their hands pushed my lips against my teeth tightly and I could taste blood on my tongue. I tried to push screams out of my mouth but they were failed efforts. The person pulled my body against theirs tightly and I struggled to get free but to no success. The door was still wide open as I was being dragged. I felt the prickly branches scratching against my arms and legs as I tried to cry for help. The person's grip only got stronger on me as I struggled. I stopped when I felt a cold silver blade just barely brush the front of my neck. I felt my heart speed up as I lost all knowledge of what a person should do in a situation like this. I felt a tear stream down my face. I knew it was over. The blade cut into my throat as I felt blood oozing down the front of my neck onto my chest. I cried harder as the slice burned. I knew it was over, I would die at the hands of the serial killer. I closed my eyes so I could attempt to black it all out until I felt the person's hands leave my body and I lunged forward grabbing my neck. I coughed violently and felt my eyes burning from my tears. I touched it and saw my hands were stained red. I kept them to my neck to control the bleeding. I looked back to the bush where the person was. I knew someone saved me but who?

I looked up to find my attacker at the mercy of Jay. I managed smiled at the sight of him but he did not look normal. After blinking roughly I noticed his skin was as pale as a soft snowflake. His eyes were not their normal smoky grey color, Instead they stared back at me in a glowing green color. His eyes looked like a luminescent highway billboard. What was going on? How did he stop that guy? Jay was tall but the attacker was so much bigger. I could tell that the attacker was experienced, and Jay was just a high school boy.

"Go Inside Kayce." He gritted not breaking his gaze from trying to control the attacker. It looked like the attacker wasn't even touching him when he tried to fight back. Jay was a good fighter I guess. In fact after I wiped my tear stained eyes, I noticed that Jay was a good foot away from him but the attacker was being choked. I could hear him gasping for air and grabbing at his neck. "NOW!" Jay yelled. I was so scared and confused. Who, or what, was he? How was he doing all this? I scurried to my feet and ran inside. I quickly shut and locked the door. I held my neck tightly and breathed heavily.

"Hey where's the pi- KAYCE!" Kyle said as he ran to my side and hugged me tightly. "Oh my god what happened? You're bleeding! Come on!" He said dragging me to the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet and got out a few bandages before wiping my neck and putting them on. I finally stopped crying enough to explain.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded. I wanted to tell him everything. How Jay wasn't a normal person. He was something different, special maybe. I don't know but he wasn't normal. I had never seen anything like him. Sure he was the mysterious new kid with a secret book. But he was so much more, and I knew that now. I knew it was him. His profile was the same, and his hair was the same, although I couldn't really see it. But he wasn't his normal tanned color, he was the color of baby powder and his eyes weren't grey. They didn't resemble stone at all anymore. They were-not like emerald green-glowing green. They were actually glowing like a flash light. He was different, I didn't know how, but one thing was for sure, I had to keep it to myself.

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