Chapter Nine

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I woke up and looked up to see Jay looking down at me. His crystal eyes were shining as usual as I rubbed my eyes and sat up off of him.

"Hello sleepy head." He said as I sat up and climbed off of the couch. I stretched and rubbed my eyes before walking to the kitchen. It was still weird being here, but I wouldn't be for long. I made a bagel and started eating it as I sat back down with Jay on the couch.

"So it's about 2:00pm now," Jay stated. "Do you want to start packing? I went and got you some boxes and placed them upstairs." I smiled. He could just leave and be back before I even got a chance to finish blinking.

"Sure. Thanks." I said. I finished eating and we went to my room and started putting everything in boxes. We took my clothes out of my closet and dresser, my make up and hair products, my books and DVDs, and my pictures. We packed for about two hours, then sat on my bed.

"I think that's enough for today." I said as we laid on my bed. I felt exhausted mentally and physically from packing. I closed my eyes and heavily exhaled. I felt Jay crawl on top of me and put his hands on either side of my head, making me open my eyes. He hovered his face above mine, making his hair fall slightly into my cheeks. Our bodies being in this position made the flutter return, as strong as ever. I smiled at him and I smoothed his long black hair out of his face as he inched closer to me. I smiled, excited for what he was going to do next. He simply hovered his lips over mine and smirked. I leaned closer to him but he pulled away, teasing me.

"You know, I can tell when you want to kiss me." He said. I smirked and put my arms up over his neck.

"If you can tell then why do you tease me?" I asked. I once again craved the feeling of his lips aggressively pushed against mine. I needed to feel that again.

"Because it's cute when you do that. I like seeing you get all eager, the way you do." He said. Interesting word choice for my wanting him, but I suppose it was accurate.

"I don't like it." I said and he bit his lip. That made him look extremely hot. Not that he needed to do that to make me think that. He knew how to push my buttons just right and I was getting impatient. He inched slightly and whispered to me.

"I won't tease you anymore baby." He said in a low deep voice. I could feel his breath go down my neck and it made shivers go down my spine. It was the first time he had called me baby. Normally I would be opposed to childish pet names for couples, but the way Jay said it, made me love it. I smirked, at how much he was making me crave his touch and then finally put his lips on mine.

At first it was gently, but he started to push them against mine harder. This excited me. I opened my mouth slightly and a moan escaped my lips. He took advantage of the opportunity and pushed harder on to me. I felt his tongue snake its way into my mouth as he held my face in both his hands, making sure that I couldn't get out of his reach, not that the idea was even crossing my mind. I tangled my fingers in his silky hair and pulled it slightly to make him get closer to me, he liked this because he smirked and kissed me harder. His lips traveled down to my neck and started sucking and biting on it. I inhaled sharply when he did. He knew this was my weak spot and the tingles went all over my body. He pulled the sensitive skin on my neck between his teeth. It hurt slightly and I bit my lip. He stopped biting and went back to kissing my neck, I felt his tongue graze it over and over. I giggled and this made him smirk before pulling away. He opened his eyes and looked into mine for a moment. I saw something in them that I never saw before; lust. He was being lustful towards me and I loved every second of it. I grabbed his face in my hands and forced his lips to crash with mine once again. He smiled in the kiss, taken back by the force I was using against him, but quickly returned it. He grabbed my face in his hands and made out with me passionately. He made each kiss last longer and deeper, pushing himself on me harder. I moaned a few times as he took my bottom lip between his teeth and pulled away slightly, not separating our lips.

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