Chapter Fourteen

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"Alright I think we are just about ready to head out." Seth said and he and Alix carried their suitcases down the curved flight of stairs, meeting Jay and I in the kitchen.

"Have fun guys! Paris will be great." I said hugging Alix.

"Have you even been?" She asked pulling away.

"Yeah, once. With my parents when I was younger. My dad had to go there for a business conference but my mom and I went exploring the city while he was working and it's a great place." I said.

"I know! I can't wait. Seth let's go." Alix called. Seth came into the kitchen and he hugged me.

"Okay you two have fun here. Don't party too hard." He joked pulling away and then saying bye to Jay.

"Talk to you guys soon." Jay said as they lifted their suitcases off the ground. Seth took Alix's hand in his and she smiled at him.

"Bye!" She said to us smiling. Jay and I waved as a large flash of light engulfed them. I blinked, and they were gone. It always happened more quickly than I think it does.

"So what do you want to do now?" Jay asked. I shrugged, there wasn't a lot to do around here.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm up for anything." I said.

"How would you feel about going back home?" He asked smiling at me.

"What do you mean? We are home." I asked confused.

"No I mean to visit Kyle or Lilly. To spend the day with them? You haven't seen them in a while. Plus I want to get you a present in town." He said.

"Wait, you would take me back to see them?" I asked excited. It had been so long since I had seen my best friends. I really did want to visit with them.

"Of course. I will anytime you want me to, you just have to ask. I'm not imprisoning you Kayce. Nothing is stopping you from seeing your friends." He said and I hugged him.

"I really would love to go see them for the day. Will you take me?" I asked and he kissed me. I closed my eyes and held Jay closer to me. I opened my eyes again and we were in the woods. I stepped back shocked. "Where are we?" I asked a little panicked.

"We are in the woods by Kyle's apartment. I thought you would want to visit him first." He said. I smiled and hugged him again.

"You were right. Thank you Jay. But what about my car? Shouldn't we have that to stay, normal looking?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, you go hang out with Kyle and I will grab your car and pick you up around six? Just tell him I dropped you off." He said. I nodded.

"Thank you! I will see you later." I said as I grabbed his cheeks in my hands and stood on my tip toes to passionately kiss him.

"Have fun ok?" He said and I nodded before walking up to the large brick building. I entered the metal door where there was a panel with tons of buttons beside the locked door. Apartment 14. I rang the buzzer.

"Who is it?" Kyle asked.

"Kayce!" I said excitedly.

"Oh my god!" He said and his voice was followed by a buzz, which unlocked the door. I climbed the flight of stairs and walked to his door. Before I could even knock, he quickly opened it and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Ky." I said hugging him. He picked me up and spun me around.

"What are you doing here?" He said putting me down and pulling me inside. He shut the door behind me.

"I came to visit. So, surprise!" I said and he went to the kitchen and passed me a soda.

"Best surprise ever! It's been so long! How's living with Jays family?" He asked. I forgot that was what everyone thought. I needed a better cover story. Or maybe I could just come clean. I nodded and began saying whatever came to mind.

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