Chapter Seventeen

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"Alix, I would really rather stay here." I said still fighting her on the subject of going shopping.

"Well, then we can do something here. You wanna play a board game? Watch a movie? Make arts and crafts?" I raised my eyebrow at her last suggestion.

"Arts and crafts?"

"I was just throwing it out there. It could be fun. There's some macaroni in the cabinet and I'm sure I can find some glitter and glue."

"You do this a lot don't you?" I said smiling. She shrugged and nodded.

"I happen to love crafting. And you will too. I'll go get my supply box." She said scurrying to her room. I shook my head at her enthusiasm. I wondered what Jay was doing right now. I wondered what his father had said to him yesterday, he hadn't answered when I asked him.

I didn't know how the rules of the Underworld worked, but I knew that no one would take me there. And I knew that without the assistance of an immortal, there was only one way for me to get there. But I also didn't know what would happen once I got there. What if as soon as I got there I got sent off to my final destination and then that was it. I would never see Jay again. But maybe that wasn't how things worked. I could just sit here and wait for Jay's call, but I wanted to help. But how would dying help if he was at the house? Plus we are apparently in a different district. So if I died here, I would go to the Underworld for Venice, not for the one Jays father ruled. I guess me dying would not help. But sitting here not doing anything but worrying wasn't helping either.

Alix came back and placed a clear plastic box in front of me on the floor. I sat with my back against the couch and looked at the box.

"Come on! Make whatever you want! I am going to make a macaroni necklace for Seth. I do all the time and he thinks its really funny." She said laughing. I cracked a smile and took out a piece of paper and placed it on the carpet in front of me.

"I guess I will make a necklace for Jay then, with lots of glitter to match his personality." I joked and she chuckled. I laid out a few hard noodles on the paper and squeezed the glue bottle leaving a trail of glue across the noodles. After they were lathered with glue, about as well as an eight year old could put glue on pasta, I took the bottle of rainbow colored glitter out of the box and sprinkled it on to the macaroni. "What am I supposed to do while it dries?" I asked, getting bored of waiting for the slow-drying glue.

"I dunno. Draw me a picture!" She said dumping the markers out on the floor.

"A picture of what?" I asked laughing. This activity was taking my mind off of the situation, but it was extremely silly.

"I know for a fact that you're artistic," She was right. Art was probably the only thing I was good at. "So just use your imagination." She finished. I sighed and took a black marker and another sheet of paper. I bit my lip trying to get inspiration from something; anything.

I looked in the far corner of the room and saw a small glass rose sitting in a vase. Not too difficult to sketch, I began. Making a collection of lines and curves, it soon looked like a rose. I picked up the red marker and added slight color to the black and white sketch. It was simple, but not bad. I wrote on the bottom corner: To Alix, Love Kayce.

"Here. Isn't it beautiful?" I said sarcastically as I handed it to her.

"This is actually really good! I will hang it on the fridge." She said taking it and walking to the kitchen. She came back a few moments later. "There. They should be dry now. Lets string it." She said cutting pieces of string and handing me a piece.

I took all the noodles and pushed the string through it. I tied the two ends together and held it up.

"Looks good! Jay will like it." She said. I rolled my eyes.

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