Chapter 23

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Guyyyys this is the end, the last chapter before the epilogue *cries* I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read this fic. *hugs you all* Also I'm thinking of making a story for Oikawa (something fluffy I need fluff after this) So tell me if any of you would be interested in that in the comments plz. Anyways onto the story!!

Your Pov:

As the metal was about to make contact with my skin, but then the bedroom door burst open. My father froze in his actions as the room filled with police officers. I let out a shaky relieved breath as the uniform-clad men arrested my father with handcuffs.

As some of the officers practically started dragging him out of my room into their police cars outside, a couple of paramedics came up to me and released me from my restraints.

"Are you hurt anywhere, Miss?" One of the two paramedics asked me, concern showing in his eyes as he looked at me.

"My foot" was all I managed to say, seeing as I was still a little shaken about the past few minutes, my adrenaline finally running out.

He moved his hand to gently touch my foot making me hiss out in pain. He gave me an apologetic look before saying something to the man who was standing next to him, who just nodded before leaving the room quickly.

Turning to face me again the first paramedic said; "It appears that your foot is broken, but just to make sure you don't have any other injuries we're going to take you to the hospital for further examinations."

I nodded at the information, and not too long after the paramedic who left earlier came back with some more people who helped me onto a stretcher. The explained that since they didn't know what other injuries I may have the stretcher was a safer option opposed to me walking, or one of them carrying me to the ambulance.

The pain in my foot wasn't so bad as long as I didn't move too much, it was more of the throbbing that hurt. My foot throbbing made my foot and the rest of my leg feel like a hammer was being repeatedly slammed onto it.

The paramedics must've seen my pained expression because they ended up giving me a shot that helped numb the pain. A few moments later we had already reached the hospital, where they transferred me from the stretcher to another one. The doctors gave me pain medicine after they finished taking my x-rays of my foot. Luckily that was the only major damage my "father" did.

The nurses had put me in a decent looking room, the bed was in the center of the room, and there was a clock and a television on the opposing wall. The clock read four thirty-seven, had it really been that late already? There was also an IV connected to my arm, probably distributing some more pain medicine.

My eyes started to close as I became more tired by the second, can you blame me? I fell asleep with a small smile on my face thinking; 'It's finally over'




I woke up, with a dull throbbing pain in my foot but that was to be expected, the nurse probably hasn't changed my IV yet, and medicine doesn't last forever. What I didn't expect however was not to be able to move my arm. Before I panicked I decided to look at said arm, also not expecting my eyes to be meet with blonde tufts of hair.

Of course, I knew who these blonde tufts belonged to, and I couldn't be happier that he was right here sleeping by my side, as selfish that sounded, he is rather tall and sleeping in a chair can't be that good for his posture.

Running my fingers through the golden strands, I had to use my left hand though since he was laying on top of my right. As I stroked the hair I found myself thinking.

'His hair is softer than I remember.'




Tsukishima's Pov: ((Finally))

I felt warm fingers massage my scalp, which felt really good in this cold hospital room. I cracked an eye open to see (Y/n) looking down at me with a gentle smile. I returned her smile with one of my own. Feeling an uncomfortable knot forming in my back I decided to sit up and stretch, making her remove her fingers from my hair much to my disappointment.

After I was done stretching, I leaned towards her and pecked her lips. Something I missed greatly for the past week (?)

"Hey," I said, my voice sounding like a whisper.

"Hey" she repeated.

I rubbed her arm in an awkward but hopefully comforting way, because who wouldn't want to be comforted at a time like this?

"How are you holding up?"

"Well, my foot is throbbing still and I just found out that apparently not my father is more of a psychopath than I thought he was" she finished, her head downcast as a sigh escaped her lips. I was to apologize for some reason, but she started speaking again.

"But you're here with me so I guess it isn't so bad now"

I felt something in the pit of my stomach, it fluttered, it filled me with ((determination #sorrynotsorry)) a warm feeling. I think I just fell for (Y/n) all over again, but before I could say something I was interrupted again this time by a knock. (Y/n) told the person that it was okay to enter, it turned out to just be the doctor. An average height women with dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, her eyes matched her hair.

"Ah! You're awake, that's good, so how are you feeling hun?" she asked (Y/n).

"My foot still kinda hurts, but other than that I'm fine." (Y/n) responded with a smile. The doctor nodded while writing the information on the clipboard that was on the wall by the door, she then went to (Y/n)'s IV and replaced the bag.

"The police said they wanted to ask you a few questions if you're up for it."

(Y/n) nodded even though you could clearly see that she was still tired. A few seconds later three officers made their way into the room and introduced themselves to (Y/n) and I. After everyone was settled (Y/n) began retelling the events of the past week.

I subconsciously grabbed and gripped her hand tight, as she looked close to tears when the officers finally left. Rubbing small circles on her back slowly I felt her start to hiccup falling letting the tears fall.

"Why is my life like this? Why? Why? Why?...Does nobody love me?" I heard her mumble to herself.

Taking her face making her turn towards me, I gave her the nicest smile I've probably ever made.

"But you are loved, I mean I-I love you," I whispered. (Y/n) gazed up at me with beautiful glossy (e/c) orbs in bewilderment.

"Why?" I shrugged because I honestly don't know.

"I just fell in love with you (Y/n), I don't know how, I don't know why, but I just did," I said pressing a loving kiss to her temple. She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around me. Whispering an "I love you" into my ear.






"Who would've thought Kei was such a smooth talker~"

"Tch, shrimp"

"Yeah, but I'm your shrimp"

I smiled before burying my face into her hair trying to suppress a smile.

'Yeah, my shrimp'

Note de l'auteur: Also I made this story when I was listening to You Are Loved by Set It Off. So until the epilogue, I'll see you guys later!!

~Otaku-chin out~

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