Chapter 61. I Was Gonna Tell You

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(Third Person POV)

Alex groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, he slowly looked around & noticed he was upside down... stuck in a tree, a pretty huge tree. He looked up & saw that his ankle up to his leg was wrapped in vines & his foot was stuck between to branches

"Uh... what the hell happened?" he swung up & tried to hit his legs out but nothing happened, this time he pulled his legs & broke the branches, which were slowly cracking, & started falling "OH COME ON!!" the leafs & other vines slowed him but a bush broke his fall

"What the..." he sat up & his hair had twigs & leafs in it, another leaf landed on his nose so he sneezed

"Well that escalated quickly."

"Are you okay?" he looks over to the voice & saw the ASL &... him!! But they were the younger versions, it was them when they were kids "That was a pretty high fall."

"Uh huh! Yeah, I'm terrific." he stood up & dusted himself off then clicked his back "I'm getting old man."

"You sure are, old man." his eye twitched as he glared at his younger self

"Hasn't anyone told you about manners kid?" this time younger Alex glared up at him

"Don't call me kid!"

"But you are." before he could snap back at his self Alex (older) heard something in the distance, it sounded like Luffy & Sam "Oh that bloody idiot." he pulled a cigarette out, lit it & blew the smoke out "Well my time has come, see ya later kids!" soon enough they all yell out, but Sabo & Luffy


(With the Others)

Nami & that found themselves in a Noble Kingdom, Franky, Brook, Shay, Sly & Chopper were in the middle of the forest & Alex was nowhere to be seen, alone. Luffy looked around & instantly knew where the fuck he was

"We're in the Goa Kingdom..." he didn't even think when he sprang out of there, Mama was going to chase after him but Nami pulled her back

"Don't go! Look at the weird looks the people are giving us." she does & instantly felt out of place, one scoffed at them

"Look at those low lives!"

"They're clearly outsiders." Sam & Zoro held Nami back as she started swearing & throwing death threats at the Noble people (who are actually DICKS except for Sabo)


"NAMI!! Calm down!" they pull her away to the lower part of the Kingdom & they sigh "I suggest we stay out of that place." Jasper nodded

"I agree, if it scared Luffy-san then shouldn't we be scared as well?" they look at each other & shudder, soon enough they hear glass shatter & the sound of children running. They hid in the shadows when four children came up, the one was familiar pink glared at the one with blonde hair

"We're talking about this later, Sabo. & you better, tell the truth."

"Yeah! We're brothers & we tell everything to each other!"

"Shut up Luffy!" the one with pink hair shock his head ad he shoved Sabo forward to walk "That's a little harsh, don't you think Alex."

"Whatever, kid."

"Its ACE!!" everyone stood their shocked as the four children retreated into the forest, did they really just see the ASLA as children?! Did Alex somehow turn back time with that portal when he got poisoned?!

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