Old Habbits

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I was one month into my pregnancy and I could still hide my very small bump from the paparazzi. My clothes are starting to get tight so I guess it's time to get some maternity clothes. "Ed I'm going shopping I need some new clothes."

"Alrighty love see you soon." When I arrived at the mall I went into a couple of stores before I went the maternity store, I hope nobody saw me go in. The last thing I want is "oh my gosh, Taylor is pregnant." I don't need that all over the news yet. I finally left the mall I had so much shopping bags that I couldn't feel my hands. When I got home I noticed that Ed had supper on the table for me, how sweet. I noticed that Ed wasn't home, I wonder where he went. After my meal I went up to Ed and I's room and put away all the clothes I bought, when I finished that I decided to take a shower. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit my skin, it felt nice. I got out of the shower the same time I heard the front door open, Ed must be home. Ed came into the bedroom and when I was finished getting ready for bed I went to go lay by him in the bed.

I laid down next to him and noticed something different about him. "Ed are you okay?" I asked "Yeah love I'm fine." He slurred some of his words and I knew he was drunk. "Ed I thought you stopped your bad habits."

"Taylor why don't you worry about yourself, your not my mother." Ed doesn't usually snap at me like this, I was scared. "Ed I just don't want you to go get drunk when the baby comes." He got really mad at this point. "I am responsible and I don't need you to tell me what I can and cannot do." I was crying now "You know what, I don't want to argue. Go sleep on the couch tonight." He got up took his pillow and left the bedroom and went downstairs. I rubbed my belly and whispered "Don't worry baby your daddy usually isn't like this." I fell asleep crying.

Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now