Late Nights and Early Mornings

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(Ed's pov)

I was standing in the bathroom doorway watching Taylor give Elizabeth a bath in the sink. I watched Taylor's eyes light up every time Elizabeth would make a little gurgling noise that she has been doing a lot lately. "Are you trying to talk to me?" Taylor said in a baby voice. I didn't say anything to Taylor I just watched as she picked Elizabeth up in her arms and held her close to her chest, she is a great mother and I couldn't help but

smile. Taylor finally acknowledged me when she bent down to get Elizabeth a diaper from the cabinet. "Ed you scared me, don't do that."

"Sorry love I was just admiring you and Elizabeth." Gosh I really love Taylor, I love the way she smiles at almost everything, I love that she takes on a challenge and she makes an amazing mother.

I was holding Elizabeth in my my arms admiring her clear blue eyes. Elizabeth is now five months old and man does time fly by, I feel like just yesterday Taylor was in the back of the minivan giving birth to her. Elizabeth has chubby little legs, curly orange hair and the most beautiful eyes ever, they are clearest blue I have ever seen. Elizabeth has been trying to grab her toes and stick them in her month. Last weekend she started kicking her legs when Taylor was feeding her smashed peaches, so that's when we knew that smashed peaches is her favorite food. I look down and notice that Elizabeth is asleep in my arms, so I get up and put her in her crib and when I get back to the bedroom I notice that Taylor is in bed and fast asleep so I got under the sheets as quietly as I could hoping not to wake her. "Eeeeddd can you get Elizabeth?" Taylor said in a whining voice. "Why can't you?" And in response I get a pillow to the face. "Ed you didn't have to go through morning sickness and carrying a baby around for nine months." She said angrily, so I decided I shouldn't argue with her at 3:45 in the morning so I got out of bed and walked into Elizabeth room and fed her and changed her diaper and by the time I was done with that it was 4:20. When I got back into our room I heard what sounded like crying from Taylor's side of the bed. "Taylor, love are you okay." She turned over to face me and her eyes were puffy and red. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "Ed... I don't know if I can do this anymore. I'm tired and stressed and people are giving me hate, and I'm afraid for Elizabeth." She said in between sobs. "Taylor you are an amazing mom and I know you can do this, trust me, if you didn't want a baby you wouldn't have got pregnant if you didn't want a baby. Just go to sleep I got Ellie back to bed and if she wakes up again I will get her. Okay?" I said while she put her head on my chest. "Okay she said before sleep got the best of both of us."

(Taylor's pov)

It was about 7:34 in the morning and I'm watching my little girl suck on her bottle when her little hand rested on top of mine. "I don't know why I doubted never being ready to have you, you are the best thing that happened to me." I said quickly trying not to wake up Ed who was sound asleep next to me. The rest of the day consisted of movies and laughter.

Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now