Picture Day

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(Taylor's pov)

Today was the last day my mom is going to be here so we decided to go shopping. I needed some more maternity clothes and I needed to get some clothes for the baby. "Hey Taylor what about this store?" My mom said pointing at the store. We walked into the store and I walked over to the baby section and I found some adorable shirts, dresses, bibs and some socks, I left the store with five bags just of baby clothes. Then my mom and I went into the maternity store and I found an adorable dress. I was in the dressing room trying it on and admiring my growing belly. I put my hands on my tummy and whispered lightly to me belly. "I can't wait to hold you and kiss you." In response I got a kick, she kicked often, I'm hoping she won't start kicking a lot because Ed is not here to calm her down. I bought the dress and some other clothes.

My mom and I got home around 4:00 and I was greeted by Ed kissing me and rubbing my belly, something he did often. "Ed we should get a family picture taken before the baby is born."

"Austin could do it. He's actually in LA now." My mom chimed in. "That would be great. Could you give him a call to have him come down?" I wonder why my brother didn't call me about being in LA, he could have stayed with Ed and I. "Taylor I just got off the phone with your brother, he said he would do it. He will be here in 15 minutes." My mom. "Isn't this great Ed?"

"Yes love." We watched TV until I heard the doorbell, I got up to go get it. "Taylor, I haven't seen you in awhile." My brother said. I gave him a hug. "Yeah, I missed you." I said

"How's the baby?" He said while looking down at my stomach. "The baby is good." I said with a smile. "Ready for the pictures?" My brother asks while setting up his camera. Ed and I decided to take the pictures outside and we also decided that the picture would be me standing up and Ed on his knees with both his hands on my stomach and me looking down at him smiling. Ed and I walked outside. "Ready guys?" My brother asks. "Yep just give us a minute to get ready." Ed said getting down on his knees. He put his hand on my belly and I looked down at him and smiled and I heard the camera click, indicating the picture had been taken. Ed and I looked at the picture and smiled at each other. "I love it." I said to Ed and Austin. "Yeah I love it too." Ed said. "It should be ready by Tuesday. I will drop it off at your house."

"That sounds great Austin." I said while grinning at him.

Austin was here for another hour then had to go. "Bye Austin! See you Tuesday." I gave him a hug goodbye. "Yeah bye. Bye Elizabeth." He said patting my belly lightly. I went upstairs to Elizabeth's room, I do this occasionally. I sat down on the rocking chair and I rocked until I felt a kick, not a hard one but a soft one to indicate that she is there. I wonder if those kicks are a way of her telling me she loves me. "Your adorable! You know that right!" Ed said breaking me out of thought. I blushed. "Hey Ed, you know how the baby has been kicking a lot. Do you think it's a way of telling me that she loves me?" I asked rubbing my stomach. "Yeah, I think so." He said.

After supper I decided it was time to go to bed. Ed tried to carry me up to our room. "Ed I'm pregnant, put me down!" I said laughing. "No I'm going to carry you up to bed." He laughed. He managed to get me in bed. "Your strong." While trying to catch my breath because I was laughing so hard. I fell asleep in Ed's arm tonight.

Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now