Plane Rides

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I was doing some last minute checking to make sure that I have everything packed for London. "Honey are you about ready to go? We have to be at the airport in an hour." Ed yelled from down the stairs. "yeah I'm just making sure I have everything packed." When I made sure I wasn't forgetting anything I zipped up my suitcase and Ed carried it to the car for me since I can't carry anything heavy because of the baby. We arrived at the airport and I was wearing a huge sweatshirt to hide my now visible baby bump. Once we were in my private airplane I relaxed. I looked over at Ed who was in the seat next to me and I could tell he was tense. "Ed what's wrong?" I said while grabbing his hand, he relaxed a bit but was still somewhat tense. "I'm just nervous about how my parents will react when I tell them we are getting married and that your pregnant." He said with a sigh. "Ed I know they will be happy that we are getting married and that were having a baby." He gave me a smile. "I just can't wait to hold this one." He said while rubbing my stomach. I smiled. "Your going to make a wonderful dad."

"And your going to make a wonderful mom." I blushed. I don't remember a lot about the trip probably because I was asleep for most of the plane ride.

"Taylor honey wake up we're here." He said while kissing the top of my head. We where greeted at the airport with hugs from Ed's parents. "Taylor how are you?" Ed's mom asked while looking me up and down. "I'm great." I said. "Ed's mom kissed Ed on the cheek and Ed blushed, I laughed. Ed's dad playfully slapped Ed on the back and asked him how he was. We are staying with Ed's parents for the time we are here in London. The car ride to Ed's parents house consisted of me looking out the window watching the settings change. "London is so beautiful." I said to Ed. "Yeah London is truly magnificent." He said with a smile. I could tell he was glad to be back home.

When we finally pulled into the driveway it was supper time. Ed ran into the house like a little kid. I helped Ed's mom cook supper. "Taylor." She said. "Yeah." I said nervously. "Are you pregnant." She said in almost a whisper. My heart was pounding. Should I tell her? "Taylor I noticed at the airport that you look bigger and your angles where swollen. Listen I promise I won't tell anyone." I sighed a relief. "Yeah I'm pregnant. I'm about 4 and a half months." Ed's mom looked like she was about to cry. "Taylor I'm so happy for you and Ed. Do you know the gender yet?"

"Yeah it's a girl." "I can't wait to see my beautiful granddaughter." We finished making supper and I told Ed and his dad that supper is ready. When we finished supper I knew it was time to tell them. I gave Ed the look and he nodded in response. "Mom, dad Taylor and I have some news to tell you." Both his parents looked at end and I, and Ed continued "Taylor and I are getting married." Ed's parents just looked at me than Ed and than Ed's mom started crying than she got up and came over to hug me. Ed's dad gave Ed a hug. "There is also something else. Taylor is pregnant." I looked at Ed's mom because I knew she already knew she winked at me and hugged Ed and Ed's dad told us congratulations. We all talked for about another hour when Ed and I decided it was time to go to bed. I took a shower and got in bed next to Ed. "Goodnight love and goodnight by baby girl." Ed said kissing me than my belly.

I felt my baby kick for the first time. I woke up around 1:55 in the morning with my baby kicking inside me. I laid in bed for about five minutes and decided to get up and walk around to see if the baby could calm down enough so I could get some sleep. "Elizabeth you have to stop kicking me. Mommy needs her sleep." I said whispering to my belly so I wouldn't wake up Ed who was sound asleep. I rubbed my belly for about another five minutes than I felt fingers on top of mine "Can't sleep?" He whispered in my ear. "No the baby is kicking and I'm tying to see if it will calm down a bit so I can get back to bed." I said while yawning. Ed got down on his knees and put both of his hands on my belly and the baby calmed down a bit. "Ed the baby is calming down." I put my hands on top of Ed's. Ed and I went back to bed.

Time flies by. The next thing I know I am telling Ed's mom and dad goodbye and we are out the door. The plane ride was long but that was okay because Ed was with me. I was relieved to get back home.

Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now