Wedding Plans

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(Taylor's pov)
Ed and I were sitting on the couch talking and looking through wedding planning books, when Ed said "Taylor what about this?" Ed said pointing to one of the pages in the book we were looking through. "I love it." I said. The page was full of white plates, white flowers, white bows and everything else you could think of. I loved it. I want my wedding to have an antique feel to it and I found it and I couldn't me anymore excited. I'm going to look at wedding dresses tomorrow with my mom, I'm supposed to meet her at 11:45 at Everything Wedding Gowns. Ed is going to watch Elizabeth for a couple hours while I try on wedding dresses.
Ed was sitting on the floor playing with Elizabeth, who was just looking at Ed with curiosity. "Is daddy being silly?" I asked my 8 month old daughter. She turned her head to see who said that and when her eyes landed on mine she smiled that showed her two front teeth. Ed was talking to Elizabeth and she would babble back and Ed thinks that's the cutest thing ever. "Are you trying to talk to daddy?" I said while sitting next to Ed on the floor. Elizabeth tried to reach for me with her little chubby arms. I picked her up and held her close. Elizabeth reached for my hair and wrapped it around her hand, she really likes to do it. Ed and I think she does it because she likes the feel of it or she is just really curious, but I didn't mind it. I put Elizabeth back on the blanket so I could go make lunch for Ed and I and heat up a bottle for Elizabeth. I fed Elizabeth her bottle first, before I ate my sandwich. I watched Elizabeth as she drank away. "Wow you were really hungry." I said giggling. When she finished drinking her bottle she fell asleep before I could burp her. I walked up the stairs and put her in her crib and joined Ed on the couch. "Did you put Elizabeth down for her nap?" Ed said while I took a bite out of my sandwich. "Yeah, she was really tired," I said. "Are you ready to get married in two months?" Ed asked, as I set my empty plate on the coffee table. "Yeah, I can't wait to finally be called Ms. Taylor Sheeran and be married to you," I said. "Remember the first date we went on?" "How could I forget," I said.

(Flashback) Ed called to tell me he had a surprise for me, I wonder what it could be. I went upstairs to get ready. Ed and I started dating about a month ago and we still hadn't been on our first date yet. We really started to hit it off after I finished the RED tour. I feel like Ed will be the one, the one I spend the rest of my life with, the one to start a family with.
I heard a knock on the door and I practically ran down the stairs. "Hello Ed," I said. "Hey love," he said, kissing me on the cheek. Ed opened the car door for me. "So Ed, where are we going?" I asked with curiosity. "It's a surprise," he said, winking at me. When we finally got to our destination, I realized it was the park. "Ed what are we doing here?" I asked him. "Having a picnic, so this is our first official date." He said smiling at me. "I love you," I said.

(End of flashback)
I can't believe we had our first date almost three years ago, wow time flies by. In those three years, Ed proposed to me, we had a child and we are getting married in two months. I'm so happy.

Ted SweeranWhere stories live. Discover now