Part 1

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*walking in holding hands*

Kuzco: So this is it. Our first day at college, as a happily married couple!

Malina: *looking at scedule* Kuzco, you should join the football team! Then I can cheer you on!"

Kuzco: um, I don't think so. Me and sports, we don't get along well. Kuzco plus sports equals no good.

Malina: "ugh, whatever. *looks at pamphlet* I hope our uniforms don't make me look fat. IT says here that the school mascot is Harold the happy...egg?"

Kuzco- "Give me that fancy-schmancy paper."

*Kuzco reads it*

Kuzco- "It looks like your uniforms are pretty hot..."

Malina *sarcastic*- "Oh, because a smiley egg's face on a white sports bra is cute."

Kuzco- "Yeah."

Malina *going through book*- "What the heck? Why are the football uniforms inflatable. That's ugly."

Kuzco- "See, I don't play sports. This outfit I'm wearing is great. That inflatable white shirt is not. Great. Not great. There's a difference.

Malina- *unfocused* - "Hey, they posted the cheer team qualifiers. Let's go see who made it."

*drags Kuzco away.*

Malina- "aaaah!!! I did it. I made the team!"

Kuzco *hugs her- "see, I already knew you would do it."

Dorm Clerk- "Pipe down kids."

Malina- "Hello. I was wondering if you could get us a room for this year."

Clerk- "Yes, sir-ee."

Kuzco- " You smell."

Clerk- "Well, boo hoo for you. (song)You can't always get what you want."

Clerk- "Malina, you can have room 4-88 in dorm complex four."

Clerk- "Kuzco, you can stay in the on-campus palace we built for you out of solid gold."

Kuzco- "What about Malina. She's gotta stay in that slobbish room? No fair I'm married.

Clerk- "no, she can visit you whenever. We don't care."

Kuzco- "Okidy dokey.

Malina- "Thank you."

*Malina grabs bags and enters a room*

Malina- "Hello?!"

Abby- "Greetings and salutations. I pray that you are experiencing a favorable evening on this moment in which we speak."

Malina- "I'm staying in this room now, but you won't see much of me."

Abby- "Swell."

Malina- "What are you majoring in?"

Abby- "nothing. My parental units prefered I have an experience with peers of my own age to further increase my knowledge of social interaction before I apply for...."

Malina: *sarcastically* "sounds like fun. Where should I put all my stuff?"

Abby-(Try) "Why would you put it down if you're not gonna stay long?

Malina: "oh, well, uh..

Abby: "yeah, thought so. Just take your stuff and get out like the rest of them. "

Malina: *mumbles* "well then...

*hears snap*

Abby with lighter

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