Part 16

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Juanita- "Don't worry, did you see what Abby said."

Kuzco- "What?""

Juanita pulls out video-

Abby- "I hereby charge Kuzco with treason, second degree murder, and harsh leadership. He is to be executed tomorrow."

Kuzco- *takes a breath out dramatically* *idk how to explain it but i'm the one acting this part so i'll know what it means*

Kuzco- "I can't believe it. I was taught to rule a certain way and my life is spiraling downhill. FAST"

Juanita- *to Juan* "COME ON! LET'S FORM A SUICIDE PACT!"

Kuzco- "NO! It's my fault. If it weren't for me you would still have a mother to take care of you. I'm....I'm sorry. *breaks down crying* You're going to have to live with Kronk and Yzma.

Juanita- "Actually, Yzma died.

Kuzco- *mumbles* "Like that wasn't coming any time soon... *Talks normally* "Wait...what? If she managed to live this long she obviously didn't die of age. Which means she was killed...probably by Abby! Yeah....Abby is so evil...I think... she killed Yzma instead!"

Kronk- *suddenly appears* "No you doof I killed her!

Kuzco- *rambles* "Doof? What kind of insult is that? Where did you come from? Why are you holding a bloody sword wAAAAIT WHY DID YOU KILL YZMA?

Kronk- "Yzma and I made a huge plan to start an army to resist your stupid laws. After I did all the work of getting Mulan to get an army she said to call it off. But I mean, I already promised all those people spinach puffs, and I couldn't let them down. She disagreed to killing anyone, so we fought, my sword just happened to kill her. Yeah.

Kuzco- "You really killed Yzma just to kill me?

Kronk- "Uh, yeah

Kuzco- "ouch

Kronk- "sorry, but I had to fight for my empire.

Kuzco- "no i didn't mean it metaphorically, I just got stabbed in my foot.

Kronk- "oh

Kuzco- "yeah *This creates a very exciting OH Yeeah!)*

Kronk- "I can never tell the difference between people being literal and metaphorical. It's all so confusing, y'know?

Kuzco- "Not really. *kicks guy who stabbed his foot* NO TOUCHY! Ow that really hurt a lot. Kronk, who is that guy?

Kronk- "Actually that's Fa Mulan..."

Kuzco- "dud, new topic. I almost died when you shoved me in a sack falling down a waterfall. If it weren't for you saving me, I would have been dead a looong time ago.

Kuzco- "So, If you saved me once, why not save me again. I'll be in the guillotine at nine tomorrow, so see you there."

Kronk- "But, how...why?"

Kuzco- "Just a friendly IOU."

Kronk- "You killed my employer, Pacha, and what? Two million other people?"

Kuzco- "Actually, only one point five million."

Kronk- "I don't care. You deserve it."

Kuzco- "Fine. I'll find someone besides you. Flee ya peasant jerk."

*Kronk walking*

Abby looking queen-ish- "Hey ya buddy-o."

Kronk- "Shouldn't you be in a palace, doing work?"

Abby- "I am.'re hired. You now are part of the new palace. Move in. Bring your family. I saw you stand up against your Yzma and kill her. I saw you get an army in your command in under five minutes. You are the chosen one.."

Kronk- "Cool, me."

Abby on phone. "Yes. I sent the orders for the new castle. I paid laborers to build it. Yes. Bye."

Kronk- "What was wrong with the old one. I liked walking into a face."

Abby- "I noticed that the walls were coated with KoobCam, which is a chemical that causes spontaneous phases of self-centered attitude, and almost always causes people to kill those who disagree. Luckily, it wears off... but I don't want to risk it."

Kronk- "KoobCam.... That's why I killed Yzma. Kuzco did all that stuff after beiin the castle. He was probably near the source of the KoobCam."

Abby- "And you!"

Abby- "Didn't you pick up a package of cream puffs from the castle right before you killed Yzma?"

Kronk- "So everyone hates Kuzco, but really, it wasn't his fault!"

Abby- "I knew it wasn't, but there is no way I am giving up my current position as queen."

Kronk leaves on phone.

*new scene Kuzco near guillotine. Lots of cameras.*

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