Part 11

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Cut to Kronk knocking at the door home

Kronk- "oh man...Is this the right house?

Yzma- *kinda interrupting him* Of course we're at the right place, you fool!

Kronk- "well...where's Kuzco? I didn't make these 'congratulations' spinach puffs for nothing. "

A whole bunch of Disney characters show up at Kuzco's door

Megara- "Is he here? I feel so bad. Malina was such an awesome person.

Yzma- *sarcastically* "No, we're just standing outside his house because we are his deck warmers."

Kronk- "Oh man, I thought it was because he didn't answer the door."

Cinderella facepalms and walks away

Kuzco opens the door sadly - "oh sorry i was just looking at somethiiiiii *notices the crowd* uh....howdy? *mumbles* no wait, that's such a Woody thing to say... Woody...EFA...Ugh...

Juanita comes outside- "Dad, Juan is crying

Kuzco- "*beep*" (that was representing a censorship)

Yzma- "well...this is embarrassing...

Yzma drags Kuzco into his house

Yzma-"Did you even think about your reputation? Do you think the people want an emperor who can't take care of two children and has mental breakdowns on their front porch?

Meg- "Oh, where's Malina. I made her a bunch of gifts."

Kuzco sweats- "Um...she....well...died shortly after giving birth..."

Kronk- "That's bad."

Kuzco- "It's ok. I don't really care."

Yzma- "Your wife died and you don't care?!?!

Kuzco- "Just leave me alone about her. I don't wanna talk about it. I'm kinda used to dead spouses already."

Juanita- "She didn't just die, you...

Kuzco- "Juanita! Shush! "

Yzma- "Eh, girl, What were you saying."

Juanita- "Daddy killed mommy!"

Kuzco- "What? No way!"

Yzma- "*gibberish*.asdmf.a..why?"

Juanita- "She was in the E.F.A. Dad wants everyone to love only him. He hates the EFA. So he killed mommy...

Kuzco embarrassed- "Woah. No. Stop here. Where's your brother?

Juanita- "I gave him a potato and shoved him in the oven.

Kuzco- "No. MOVE AWAY.

*Kuzco rescues screaming baby*

Meg- "Your kids won't last an hour with you in charge. I'm reporting you."

Kuzco- "You wouldn't...

Meg grabs phone- "Oh I would."

Kuzco- "Come here a minute."

Meg is dragged into a closet with Kuzco

Kuzco- "What do you want with me."

Meg- "I want you to show less hate, and your kids to learn to love."

Kuzco- "Oh, they'll love me."

Meg- " need to stop with yourself. LOVE. Kuzco, it's not about you. You're an awful leader and a worse father."

Kuzco- "What, are you an EFA too."

Meg- 'No, but I know what's right and what's wrong. You're wrong, Kuzco. You need to just stop with everything you're doing. Look what's become of you. You've already strengthened the government, and killed thousands of innocent peaceful people."

Kuzco- "You don't know what's right. You all just hate me."

*Kuzco stabs Meg*


Yzma- "Kronk, Kuzco kids are gonna struggle. He doesn't know what he's doing. I accept he killed his spouse because I killed mine too, but he can't raise his kids like this."

Kronk- "Oh."

Yzma- "What if we take the kids and teach...

Kuzco comes out of closet.

Kuzco- "Boom baby. What are you losers up to?

Kronk- "Nothing."

Kuzco glares

Kuzco Series//Season Two//Where stories live. Discover now