Part 3

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*ten days later*

Malina crying outside hospital room- "oh Kuzco, I finally love you and you have to go get killed. Again!

Nurse- "Excuse me miss, but your husband has been in this room for about four months. May I remind you that this is a hospital, not a hotel!

Malina- *anger increases* "Well he's been unconscious most of the time! And he's poisoned! And at least at hotels the staff know how to actually treat people nicely!"

Nurse- "Hotel staff were trained to be nice to people. Doctors and nurses are trained to save the lives of people. The being nice to people is something we learn on our own time. And we are nice to people. I just really don't like you, goody two shoes, or your good for nothing husband.

Malina- *is about to make a rude remark back but instead walks inside the hospital room*

Malina- *walks towards Kuzco and notices the heart rate monitor is flat*"no" *sobs and runs out of the hospital*

Nurse- *walks into hospital room and sees the monitor is hooked up to a burrito* "huh, guess i better fix that." *hooks it up to Kuzco* "If he died he would have never come back this time."

Kuzco- *wakes up* whe-where is Malina?

Nurse- "she just stepped out for a couple minutes. You know, you should go back to sleep. It will be better for your recovery.

Kuzco- "oh, okay." *goes back to sleep

Malina walks into her dorm and abby is there doing yoga

Abby- "Hey! I haven't seen you in forever. I was kinda hoping you were brutally abused by a nuclear ninja shark until your screaming yelp alerted police."

Malina- "What the heck?"

Abby- "So, how's your royal life...'

Malina- "Pretty bad. My husband just died for the... I think third time."

Abby- "I've got a solution to that."

Malina- "What? What solution? If it's stupid I'll..."

Abby- "It's not stupid. Get a new husband. Fifty-five percent of marriages end in divorce. Join the majority. Majority rules!"

Malina- "No. I love him." *spits*

Abby pulls out bleach

Malina- "Do you want me to drink that? ARE YOU SAYING....telling me to kill myself...

Abby- "No, I was disinfecting that saliva. But if you died, all of your problems would go away..."

Malina- "No."

Abby- "Come on...You can do it."

Malina hits the bleach and it spills out the window

Malina- "Go away. You are the worst advice giver ever."

Abby- "No. You're the worst advice taker ever."

Malina- "I listened. I just didn't follow it."

Abby- "You also wasted all of my bleach. How am I supposed to disinfect this place."

Abby- "OH. I won't because once you're gone, all of your gross goody germs will be gone. Praise the Lord."

Malina- "Really... I forgot how much I hate you. We've accomplished nothing in the past five minutes, and you're wasting valuable run-time."

Abby- "Actually, I never waste run time. I've won the track meet six times. Let's go."

Malina- "your puns make me sick."

Malina leaves.

Malina- "Oh, Abby, I hate you."

Abby from inside- "I can still hear you,."


Abby- *opens the door* "What a coincidence, I dug a hole a couple hours ago. Want to see it?

Malina- "not really"

Abby- "That's fantastic" *grabs malina and drags her to a deep hole*

Malina- "wow..that's...definitely a hole.

Abby- "maybe to appreciate it more you need to get up close and personal. *shoves malina in the hole and covers her up with dirt,*

Malina- "Let me out of here."

Abby- "No."

Malina- "really, I'll die in here."

Abby keeps nervously glancing at wristwatch- "NO....well you'll die... in about one hour..*falls in sadness*.. Sorry."

Abby showy like a game show- "*Stands up* Ahhhhh. That's right. You have one hour for true love to come and rescue you from undenying doom. Only one hour. Time starts now."

Has timer

Kuzco Series//Season Two//Where stories live. Discover now