Part 9

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Abby with popcorn- "Wow. That was an intense fight. Good luck getting her back."

Kuzco- "this... this is all because of yo-

Abby chucks popcorn

Kuzco- "I will leave now"

Abby- "Why, thank you."

*Kuzco leaves*

Kuzco in room with Malina new scene

Malina- "I need to find someone who appreciates me."

Kuzco- "Moi. Duhhhhhh"

Malina- "Well besides you."

Kuzco- "A child!"

Malina- "A child??? A child!"

Malina -"That's it."

Kuzco- "Yeah, let's go adopt one."

Malina- "Well, about that...there's something I need to s..."

Kuzco- "Yeah, I'm rich. And there are a ton of children in need of families. .'

Malina- "Ok then. It's a big commitment, but-

Kuzco- *interrupting* *dragging her to the car* "TO THE ORPHANAGE! I call shotgun!"

*in orphanage*

Kuzco- "I like this one."

Juanita- " I like you too."

Kuzco- "Great. Settled. MALINA! I FOUND OUR NEW DAUGHTER!"

Malina- "Shouldn't we talk this through. We can't just pick a daughter overnight. And..."

Kuzco- "nope. She likes me. We're getting her,


Kuzco- "She's a keeper. Educated and all."


Malina- "Uh...sure. You're sure about this right."

Kuzco- "OMG. She's perfect. I'D LIKE TO ADOPT THIS CHILD!

Adopter - "'ll need to be part of foster parenting for six months, then take the classes, sign these papers, then take an oath. After that......

Adopter looks up- "Woah. You're the king."

Kuzco- "Emperor."

Adaptor- "Well, our world's Constitution says officials like you can just adopt a child hassle-free."

Kuzco- "OK, weird gray-haired woman. If you don't mind, I'll be outta here. Bye."

Malina- "He means thank you"

*Leaves with Juanita in parking lot*

Kuzco- "MALINA"

Malina- "Yeah."

Kuzco looks up- "She's officially ours!"

Abby singing with backup dancers- "Wa wa a ding ding choo choo hey haw wonder why no one that we know blows chunks everyday and night. Wa was a ding ding choo choo hey haw, and don't stare into the sun or else your eyes will burn and drip some GOOO. They'll burn out. Don't look at the sun.

Kuzco- 'No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. You're not invading my life. I'm a dad now."

Malina- "Take your stuff and GET OUT"

Abby- "Like the rest of them?"

Malina- "What? WHo are the rest of them? They're not concubines, right?

Abby- "Oh, i don't know, maybe ALL THE POOR People YOU SENT AWAY BECAUSE THEY WERE "UGLY""

Kuzco- "I never did that..."

Malina- "You did honey."

Kuzco- "Well, they were ugly!"

Abby- "So are you. What if I sent you away?"

Kuzco- "That's it. I'm through with your misbehavior and disrespect. I hereby banish you from my sight."

Abby- "Oh yeah. Who's gonna stop me."

Kuzco- "Try me. *phone* "Kronk...."

Abby- "Fine, fine. Be a baby. Waa. I will get back to you..

Kuzco- "It's on brotato chip."

Malina- "Kuzco, what about the baby. What about our new family?"

Kuzco- "That doesn't matter... I mean it does.... But this is personal."

Abby- "Won't miss you.."

Malina- "Fine. I can't stand you, Abby. If you become our second in command, will you shut up, and not kill us."

Kuzco- "WHAT?!?!"

*Malina winks*

Abby- "That was a lot of bribery. You must be really desperate to not die. Yes. "

Kuzco- "Remember, I'm number one. (they sing the Muppets number one song.)

Abby- "If that's how I'm treated, then I will not respect the deal."

Malina to Kuzco- "I knew she wouldn't accept it with you."

Kuzco- "OH."

Abby- "See you soon." *Throws fairy dust on him*

Kuzco- "AHHHH!!!!"

Malina- "What? Are you ok?"

Kuzco- "She got sand on my eyebrow. I just got them done.

Malina- *sighs* "Let's go home."

*Go home. 

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