Part 2

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Kuzco wakes up on hospital bed.

Abby hops in and starts singing with Sam and Ellie

(They sing Good morning from singing in the rain.)

Kuzco- "Flee from my sight worthless musical peasants. Wait. Where am I?"

Kuzco- "What's going on?"
Kuzco- "Where am I? HELP!!!
Nurse comes rushing in

Nurse- "Kuzco! You're awake."

Kuzco- "Can you get my servants,."

Nurse- "No, Kuzco, someone poisoned you with Maximum Root and it started to disintegrate you. It broke your brain, and we had to completely reconstruct it. All of your hair came out, so you're wearing a wig. We had to surgically fix your body to reattach your arms, see look at all of the stitches. Oh, also you're legs are temporarily paralyzed until further surgury.Do you remember anything before you went into coma?"

Kuzco- "Coma?! What?! WIG!!"

Nurse- "Alrighty. You're definitely conscious. I'm gonna go get some doctors. I think your wife came to visit. I'll get her too. brb"
Malina walks in

Malina- "Kuzco!"

Kuzco- "Hey hottie hot hottie."

Malina- "Hi."

Malina- "We've missed you so much."
Kuzco- "I know. Who wouldn't?"

Malina- "and the kids at school made you this card"

*Hands card*

Kuzco- "Great...Anyway...what happened to me?"

Malina- "I don't know. I know that you were someone....and then your body started to shut down. They brought you to the hospital and had to give you like eighty surgeries, and you still hadn't woken up. You've been in a coma for three months, Kuzco. They said the surgery for your brain would leave you nauseous for a little, and the poison took away your leg strength, and made your vision even worse."

Kuzco- "Wow. That's a lot. Is my face still perfect."

Malina- "Eh... Well... There's a large gaping gash going right down the middle..."

Kuzco- "NOOO!!!" *starts to hyperventilate but calms down* "th..that's it..right? Please tell me that's it."

Malina- "Sure"

Kuzco- "So, how do they expect me to walk? I've got places to be, you know."

Malina- "No, no, no. Kuzco, you need to stay here. You need one more surgery to fix your spine injury today, then you need to recover for a couple more days."

Kuzco- "Wait, Spine injury!?!?!?"

Malina- "That's why your legs can't move."

Kuzco- "What else..."
Malina - "That's it.

Kuzco- "well this stinks. Heaven was nicer smelling."

Nurse comes in with needle

Nurse- "Malina, you'll need to leave. Kuzco needs a small surgery now."

Malina- "Ok"

*Starts to walk out as she leaves the door she turns back*

Malina- "Wait, Kuzco, there's something I need to tell you."

Nurse drags her away and as she leaves

Malina- "I'm struggling with chronic depression, Kuzco. Just kidding, I'm exp

Nurse- "Leave"

Kuzco- *from the room* Malina!

Nurse- "shut up

Malina- "don't talk to my husband like that!

Nurse- "do you think i care? I get paid to do my job. You can't get in the way of that. GETOUT"

Malina- *makes a mocking nagging face and leaves* nyeah nyeah nyeah

Nurse- "Ok Kuzco, we're gonna jab this needle into you , and you will go unconcious.

Then we'll put this metal wire in your spine, and you'll wake up with severe back pain; and a big semi-peremial burgundy scar on your entire body.

Kuzco- "No! I hate surgeries! And back pain!

Nurse- "Well, it beats having a crooked, rotting spine that could eventually lead to paralysis."

Kuzco- "If you don't mind, I'm just gonna walk out and go home...."

Nurse- "Good luck, in case you forgot, you can't move your legs."

Kuzco- "Right.... Uh....... I royally order you not to surgeryize my back."

Nurse- "I take orders from no one."

Kuzco- "Then you shouldn't be working here."

Nurse- "Stop, Kuzco, you can't get out of this."

*Puts on gloves and pulls out needle.*

Kuzco- "NO. Get your dirty, ugly, smelly, tiny, sad little peasant hands away from me."

Nurse- "You WILL calm down."

*inches closer*

*Kuzco blindly punches, and hits nothing*

Nurse- "you'll never beat me with your fist."

Kuzco- "Oh Watch me watch me

Nurse- "I'd love to see you try.

Kuzco- *attempts to punch the nurse at full force, but feels a rough pain in his back and yelps. The nurse quickly sedates him by putting an oxygen mask over his face*

Nurse- "sleepy, sleepy..."

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