Part 17

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Abby- "Oh, Kuzco. I wish I couldn't kill you. But everyone is just so mad. You were poisoned."

Kuzco- "I knew something was"

Abby- "Nope. I'm not a mermaid. I get that a lot though. It must be my undeniable beauty."

Kuzco- "No. You said you were working for a secret spy-ish challenge. What's up with that?"

Abby- "I was running for president of the EFA, and they needed challenges for me to complete based off of the code, and I was forced to prove myself. I quit after a while. I just couldn't....Stop stalling....Complete the execution."

*Abby winks as she holds a sketchy red button behind her back."

Kuzco starts to scream but stops- ""

Kuzco in machine

Abby- "After harsh ruling, and the unjust murder of one point five million people exactly, I am now prepared to execute Kuzco. *pushes button**Kuzco vanishes and is replaced with funny looking doll.*

*chop. Bang*

Abby leaves. Clapping

Kuzco in backstage

Kuzco- "Boom. Maybe you can't just let a guy like me out of your sight."

Abby- "Go. Be free. Come back when the time is right. But now, hide in Siberia. I don't know, just wait for people to understand. Go. Get out. Take your stuff and leave. Again."

Kuzco- "Adios. Call me whenever. I'll be ready. *Starts sadly looking at the wall singing about departure.*"Departure is sad. Leaving my home..."

Abby- "Stop. What do you want? Just take it and stop treating me like hobo."

Kuzco- "You are a hobo. And I don't want anything but a parting hug.


Kuzco- "Ok. I bet you are just overwhelmed by the awesomeness before you."

*Abby clicks a thing and Kuzco dramatically rolls away.*

Abby- "Queen Abigail Cole. I like the sound of that."

*shuts light off and walks to a room*

*camera still but we hear party music and Abby partying by herself in the background.*

*Kuzco walking down the street in hood with kids*

*Opens door*

Kuzco *Lorax singing*- "This is the place."

Juanita- 'It's ugly. Like you."

Kuzco- "Nope. I am a work of beauty."

*Goes in side*

Kuzco- "Ugh. It reeks. I'm worthy of much more."

Juanita- "Remember, we are hiding from crazy people until Abby calms them down. This smelly building is saving your life."

Kuzco- "Yeah, but I asked for at least a place with an indoor waterpark."

Juanita- "No."


*Kronk is having a nightmare that he gets turned into Kornk. Like corn. *

*tossing a lot*

Kronk- *wakes up* "woah....That was freaky."

* starts to go back to sleep*

*Abby at a desk doing paperwork*

Abby- "Kronk, are you ok."

Kronk- "What? Yeah."

Abby- "Get out here."

*Kronk comes*

Abby- "Thanks. I forgot about my advisor. Can you please go out and hire some painters. My palace is all white."

Kronk- "That is a lot of work...and it's three in the morning.""

Abby evil-ish singing- "Don't you disrespect me little man

Don't you derogate or deride

You're in my world now, not Kuzco's world

And I got friends on the other side"

Kronk- "Ok...Friends? What friends? You don't have friends."

Abby calls in official looking lady

Official looking lady- "Sup."

Abby- "Tell this obese man to order my commands."

Official lady uses the force to choke him

Kronk in pain

Kronk- "Help...fine...I'll do it.

Abby- "Don't try me. Ever."

Kronk- "I won't." (runs out of palace)

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