Part 15

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Kuzco TV scenes. The scenes fade and flash

Kuzco- "New law! Anyone found researching the EFA or my so called evilness will be killed."

Kuzco- "Curfew. Anyone out after sunset will be killed on sight."

Kuzco with new hair- "Dress code. Anyone who doesn't dress like me will be killed."

Yzma watching, in dress code- "Kronk, we can't stop Kuzco. Don't make an army. Don't resist. There is nothing we can do. Nothing."

Kronk- "Uh... an said so like a minute ago."

Yzma- "You fool. We can't. He's too powerful."

Kronk- "He's just one helpless dude."

Yzma- "He's not helpless, he's a king."

Kronk- "Yzma, you're gonna kill someone. Ready for some inspiration. Don't let fear change your life."

Yzma- "That's not inspiring, you are gonna get me killed. Kronk, you are a traitor now. It's not safe to resist." *Pulls out sword*

*they fight Yzma died*

Kronk- "I win!!"

*new scene*

Kuzco playing tic tac toe

Kuzco- "Young Female Juan, you can't just cheat!"

Juanita- "I didn't. You're just bad at it."


Abby-"Hi buddy."

Kuzco- "I hate you."

Abby- "I hate you too."

Kuzco- "Great. What do you want."

Abby- "Employment."

Kuzco- "Ew."

Abby- "No, I can help you. For real. I know the EFA plans. Kuzco, you need an army. You need a bunch of stuff to SOS."

Kuzco- "Save myself. I need to focus. You're right. Come in."

Abby gives juanita a high five

Abby- "So, in exactly one day, an army of one million warriors will try to bomb the palace. Then they'll kill you once you run away. You need to get away now. Take your stuff and leave."

Kuzco- "Juan, Juanalia, pack a bag, we are leaving."

Abby- "Yeah, but sneak out, so they don't know. Run to the desert segment, where people are remote."

Kuzco- "Usually, i take orders from no one, but I need to save myself."

Kuzco goes out with a bag and kids.

Some street dude- "Hey. Do I know you?"

Kuzco- "No way."

Street dude- "Yes I do. You' were in a movie."

Kuzco- "No, I just have such an awesome face that everyone confuses me with movie stars."

Street dude- "Oh, ok."

*Kuzco adventure to sand. Lots of falling stuff and running*

*Kuzco settles in tent*

Kuzco- "This is the stupidest living arrangement ever, but kids, we can't die."

*meanwhile abby in speech.*

Abby- "The constitution states that if someone reaches the palace speech space unharmed, and receives a popular vote of yes, then they can become ruler if the previous king is not here. Here is Kuzco *Shows clip of him in tent* So, rid the world of this Kuzco, vote yes. All in favor."

*Lots of yesses*

Abby- "All opposed. *Crickets*Well, all hail your new queen. Police, my order is to stop killing folks. And, the EFA is now officially legalized. My advisors, ya'll are hired, and curfew is gone. Now, I gotta sign this paper, so enjoy life as a happy citizen, and that's all I need to say."

Abby call- 'Hey, Kuzco, it's safe. Come back."

Kuzco- "Okie dokie."


Kuzco- "Give me my spot back."

Abby- "I'm sorry, but you're not welcome here."

Kuzco- "What? I'm the emperor. I'm better than you."

Abby- "Uh, no. You are fired. Guess who's in charge. ME. That's right."

Kuzco- "That's not fair. It's all about me."

Abby- "Not anymore. I constitutionally transitioned the power. You know the rules. You got tricked by a teenager."

Kuzco- "I am a teenager."

Abby- "Leave. Or I will kill you. And you are twenty two. That's a legal adult."

Kuzco leaves

Kuzco on phone

Kuzco- "What did I do? I killed these people? What? I'm awful. I didn't....What??"

Kuzco -"I killed my wife" (crying)

Kuzco-"Well, at least I'm still perfect."

*Looks in mirror at evil face and weird hair*



Kuzco- "I'm a mess. I killed millions of people. I have to raise two children, which I have no idea how to do, with no wife, no job, no money, no house. Everyone hates me, and I have no friends. Worst of all, I'm blonde and ugly.." *cries even more*

Kuzco Series//Season Two//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora