Ally's List of Why She's Such a Loner

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Ally's list of why she's such a loner.

1. Never smoked weed or a cigarette.🐥
2. Never drank, or have gotten drunk.🐥
3. Never have I ever driven a car just because.🐥
4. Gone rollerskating. 🐥
5. Kissed anyone.🐥
6. Had a campfire.🐥
7. gone camping itself.🐥
8. Gone fishing.🐥
9. Swam in a public pool.🐥
10. Had sex.🐥
11. Gone hiking. 🐥
12. Jumped off a cliff.🐥
13. Pretended to become engaged to get free food.🐥
14. Been to the zoo out of my sheer fear of anything animals.🐥
15. Been to a party.
16. Thrown a party.🐥
17. Had an actual birthday party.🐥
18. Decorated anything including my apartment.🐥
19. Gotten a tattoo.🐥
20. Raised anything whatsoever🐥
21. Gambled.
22. Fallen in love.🐥
23. Gone shark cave diving.🐥
24. Never out loud said the word: "fuck".🐥
25. Gone scuba diving.
26. Seen the Eiffel Tower.🐥
27. Water skiing.
28. Been on a rollercoaster that goes upside down.🐥
29. Gone whitewater rafting.
30. Gone on a hot air balloon.🐥
31. Windsurfed.
32. Quad biking in the dunes.
33. Ridden a camel.🐥
34. Ridden a motorcycle.🐥
35. Sleep under the stars.🐥
36. Built an igloo.🐥
37. Go to a nightclub.
38. Gone to a Coachella show.🐥
39. Gotten my future told.🐥
40. Kiss a stranger.🐥
41. Go skinny dipping.🐥
42. Go streaking in a park.🐥
43. Let go of my past.🐥
44. Watch the sunset/rise.🐥
45. Eat one of those ant-in-candy lollipops.🐥
46. Send a message in a bottle. 🐥
47. Dance in the rain.🐥
48. Forgive someone major in my life.🐥
49. Donate. 🐥
50. Make any type of impact on a person or the world.🐥

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