15 - Gone To The Zoo / Ridden a Camel / Kissed Anyone

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"We knew we'd be friends forever."

-I Built A Friend, Alec Benjamin



"Parker." She whispers.


Her haunting eyes raise and meet mine, and she smiles. "Kiss me." She demands. I don't waste time, and lean down, touching her lips with my own.

Her lips were soft against mine, fitting perfectly like the missing puzzle piece.

Suddenly, her lips begin to freeze.

She jerks away from me, and chains sprout from the ground and wrap around her wrists.

"Parker!" She screams. They start to dig into her skin, blood dripping from her wrists as she screams in pain. Glass-like walls come from nowhere and a glass box is formed around her.

I bang on the glass, screaming her name.

Music starts to play in the background.

"My hands, my heart, why can't I hold on.. it comes and goes in waves, it always does.."

Water starts coming from sheer nothing and starts filling up the box.

It seems Ally gives up when the water reaches her waist, and she falls limp in the box.

"You couldn't save me." She whispers, it sounding as loud as a shout to the void.

"No! Ally!"


I jerk up, sitting up in the bed Ally and I are sharing. Hendrik and his boyfriend share the other one. Ally is sleeping peacefully beside me, facing me.

I reach out carefully and brush her hair out of her face. I lean down and hover my lips over hers before lightly pressing my lips against hers.

I shut my eyes for one second and pretend it's for real.

I lean away and sigh longingly. She tastes like her chapstick and cherries.

I get off the bed and grab my bag. I pull out some clothes and go into the bathroom. After a steaming shower, I put on some khaki joggers and don't bother putting on a shirt. I stare at myself in the mirror. I turn and raise my fist, and punch the wall.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I try my hardest to regain control of my anger.

"Parker?" Her soft voice reaches my ears. I sigh and pull my fist out of the hole in the wall.

I turn slowly to face Ally. Blood trickles down my hand. I lower my gaze to the floor.

"Parker." She breathes out with worry. She approaches quickly and takes my hand. She silently leads me to the tub. I sit at the edge on command while she gets the first aid kit.

She sits on the edge with me and takes my hand. I focus on her features as she cleans my hand and wraps it. When done, she looks up. I continue to stare.

"What are you staring at?" She whispers.

I lean forward and smash my lips to hers, kissing her passionately.

She leaves me shocked when, after two seconds, she kisses back.

The dream was accurate about how her lips would feel on my own. Perfect. Warm. We move our lips slowly against each other's.

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