17 - Make a Donation / Kiss a Stranger

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"The training wheels are there for you, and I'll pull them off for you."

-Training Wheels, Melanie Martinez.



"I missed you so much you cutie little baby," Parker says to Jordan as he takes him in his arms.

"Wow, but you didn't say this to me when we spent two days apart two weeks ago," I say sarcastically. He shoots me a look. I smile, lean up, and kiss him. He sets Jordan down in his crib and pulls me to him.

"I missed you so much you beautiful woman." He says while looking me in the eyes. I smile in satisfaction and rest my head on his chest.

"Finally, my O.T.P." A sighing voice of Laney says happily.

"I thought your otp was Kehlani and Ryder," I state with confusion. She puts a finger to her lips.

"Shh. Just let it happen." She says. Parker lightly kisses my neck and breathes in my scent.

I never understood couples. Why they were always kissing, hugging, touching, and holding hands 24/7? Now that I'm with Parker, it's understandable. It's this pull, this gravitational force that just makes you want... need... crave to be touching them in the littlest of ways, any ways possible. It's hard to be apart because they're the only thing to consume your mind and you just want to be next to them, feeling their skin, knowing that they are safe beside you.

Or maybe that's just me and my abandonment issues..?

"Babe I have an idea," I tell him, leaning back.

"What's that?" He asks with a light and curious tone.

"Let's find an organization online for saving ducks and make a donation."

His eyes light up and he nods. He picks Jordan up as I make my way to my laptop. We find one in a matter of minutes, but suddenly Parker is gasping. I look over to see him holding one of Jordan's arms. "What's wrong?" I ask quickly.

"Look! Ally what's happening to him?!" He asks upon showing me the tiniest feather on earth. It's a tiny little white one. I smile.

"He's going through puberty, babe," I explain in the easiest way possible. A bright smile graces his features, a wide one, making me happy just looking at it, and he laughs, which makes me captivated instantly. Like bells, making my heart warm and melt.

It scares me, what I feel for him. But at the moment, my focus was on his laugh. All I could do was stare, my head slightly tilted. Eventually, he notices. "You're staring." He whispers. I take note that Jordan had flown out of his hands as I let my eyes rake over Parker. "Still staring." He says. I push him against the dresser and kiss him suddenly. He smiles, and flips us around, picking me up and setting me on top of the dresser before standing between my legs and kissing me roughly.

Our lips move better in sync than the band.

Slowly, perfectly, our kiss is passionate, filled with want, greed, and need. I rake my nails down his back, and he groans. I bury my head in his neck and he starts kissing the exposed skin on my neck.

Perfect timing for his friends to walk in yelling:


Parker jumps away from me in shock. I fix my shirt and hair awkwardly. "Oh." They all say again.

"Explain," Leroy demands.

"Have you guys been smashing this whole time?" Danny asks, his voice raised a pitch. I choke on the air for a second. It takes skill to do that, you know.

"No, you idiots." Parker snaps. "We officially started dating while we were away."

They all say "oooooh" together. Parker helps me down.

"We got arrested for destruction of private property. It was fun." Parker says. I shake my head and go back to the computer. I put in my credit card info and donated ten dollars. Apparently, I'm going to be shipped a water bottle with a picture of a duckling and a T-shirt. "Ooh! Ooh! I call the water bottle!" Parker yells in excitement.

"What?! No! I paid the cash, I get the.. damn it I'm so bad with rhymes... stuff.. yeah. Stuff." I say pathetically. He gives me a blank look. I narrow my eyes. "Fine. It's only because you're bringing me to McDonald's as our second date. Maybe we won't get it trashed." I mutter. I grab Jordan's little harness and leash and start to strap him up. Parker helps, and I hate but love the way that when our hands brush together, I get a buzzing feel on my skin.

We all start walking outside, and a smile graces my features.

My happiness is soon turned to anger.


"That.... vulture," I say angrily as some basic, trashy-looking girl hits on Parker. She even hugs him. He's so oblivious! He waves over to the table while grabbing the drinks. He invited her over here?!

I stand, grab the first person there, and smash my lips against hers.

I pull back. "You're a great kisser." That is all I tell her. She blinks before kissing me again and slipping me her number before walking off, waving shyly as she leaves the shop.

"Plot twist Ally is lesbian,"  Jose says, breaking the ice as I inspect the number.

"What. The. Hell." Parker growls out. I look over.

"Hmm?" I ask innocently. His jaw is clenched, portraying his anger.

"Polly, this is Ally, my girlfriend. Ally, this is my little sister, Polly."

Ooooh..... oops.

"Hi," I say to her. "Calm down babe," I drawl, "it's a part of the list. I'm straight, I mean example, this morning-"

"My sister is right here Ally!" He snaps at me.

"Geez. All we did was kiss and she's like 17, I think she understands." I say, laughing. I smile at him. He sighs before opening his arms. I duck into his warmth and hum in contentment. His sister gushes.

"I'm confused but you guys are cute." His sister says.

"I know, I know. We are adorable just as we are." He says, caressing my cheek.

God, he'll be the death of me.


Sorry about it being so short but in my defense, its basically midnight and I'm tired and there isn't enough Melanie Martinez for me to go off of for any longer.

1. Jordan is shedding his yellow fur and in comes white feathers. How do you feel about this?

2. Should Parker have been a little more triggered about the kiss?

3. Wanna get to know about his sisters?

Till next time.



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